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A player-owned fort!


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Hm... That's something to consider. Not sure where the tunnel would come out, but I'm sure there's something in the area I could use. Heck, even emerging from behind the first waterfall there would work!


At the Robber's Gorge end of the tunnel, a rope-and-pulley elevator system -- or even an ancient dwemer elevator -- could be used to efficiently move goods up and down between the boats below and the town above.


And once the tunnel is cleared of hostiles (I've got other plans for falmer in the area, although that could tie into this potentially), and guardposts established at the endpoint (the town itself acting as a guardpost at that end), it would in fact be safer than taking surface roads!


Around Meridia's Statue are some pretty good flat areas. Otherwise, the entrance could be in the port like the East Empire company warehouse

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Around Meridia's Statue are some pretty good flat areas. Otherwise, the entrance could be in the port like the East Empire company warehouse

Don't know where Meridia's statue is, but there's indeed some flat area to the southeast of Solitude where a river could be added, emerging from the tunnel.


Wouldn't work to put it in the port itself, though. The east side is all flat, and for the tunnel to get to the west side it would have to do some very impressive -- and frankly highly implausible -- twists and turns to weave all the way around there.


I'll take another look at the area later, I'm sure there's something workable.

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Have you seen/ been to Fort Sungard yet? I think it may have civil war quests within it but its so big an awesome!

here is a pic of the place





In the end, no matter what fort it is, I'll be happy as long as it has the working catapults like you see from the siege of Whiterun (catapult id is 0005A5FE is anyone was wondering/wanting to spawn their own)

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I have in fact been to Fort Sungard. Not only is it an awesome fort, but the slopes of the mountain leading up to it would make for a very interesting town.


Unfortunately, it is a Civil War objective, so I'd rather avoid using it. A shame, really, because its position is ideal (definitely strategic, as well as at the crossroads of two trade routes!), and it really is sweet!


And did you say working catapults??? Damn, I really need to do the Civil War and see these for myself! Are they crewed by NPCs (i.e. scripted), or does the player get to actually interact with them?

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Both i think, you can press E to fire and E again to reload and during the whiterun attack I saw some stormcloacks firing them at the imperials at Whiterun. This is Stormcloak side anyways, not sure if you go imperial if they will have 'em




Like I said the id is 0005A5FE is you wanna spawn them in-game to test 'em

Edited by themurloc99
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Okay, that's freaking awesome, and I will definitely play with these in-game! And most likely you'll have some available to you wherever I end up putting this -- they'd be very handy against the planned bandit raids, and indispensable in fending off attacks from giants!
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hmm what if you could choose what type of soliders you want. like bandits, necromancer, both or a stuff like that. like you get the castle and you wil meet a man that says he can get soliders for you and then in a dialoge you can by like 1 -5 -10 of each type
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hmm what if you could choose what type of soliders you want. like bandits, necromancer, both or a stuff like that. like you get the castle and you wil meet a man that says he can get soliders for you and then in a dialoge you can by like 1 -5 -10 of each type


it's supposed to be a player owned fort with a town

I don't think people want to live in a necromancer fort.

Would you want your children near bandits or human sacrifices?

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hmm what if you could choose what type of soliders you want. like bandits, necromancer, both or a stuff like that. like you get the castle and you wil meet a man that says he can get soliders for you and then in a dialoge you can by like 1 -5 -10 of each type


it's supposed to be a player owned fort with a town

I don't think people want to live in a necromancer fort.

Would you want your children near bandits or human sacrifices?


then it would be the first necromancer town...

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