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Roleplaying in Skyrim


Female Cosmetic Infestation  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you feel the amount of female cosmetics has gone too far?

    • Yes
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    • I simply cannot fap to the pixels from before.

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Have you ever used a mod to make your armor look cooler?


How many female NPC's have you killed while being offended by eye shadow and boobies?


Do you really try to play as if you were actually in Skyrim? If I did that, I'd only kill dragons and probably even avoid many bandits who warned me not to come any closer. I'd also be expecting some sex during my lifetime.

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Which incidentally leads me to an idea for a mod this spawned that will also counter the immersion of the hideous brown undergarments. Someone can create a mod that adds a company to Skyrim that manufactures all the undergarments, only in a single style, and that has a monopoly on the undergarment industry in Skyrim.

It will be glorious!


There will be sweatshops with Nords working like slaves to produce undergarments, and you would be able to liberate them. And there can be caravans delivering underwear to towns, which can get raided by bandits and which would explain why bandits also have underwear and....


Okay, maybe it's not such a good idea after all. :P


Lol well you know it would have to be the Thalmor behind the evil Big Underwear conglomerate XD

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Which incidentally leads me to an idea for a mod this spawned that will also counter the immersion of the hideous brown undergarments. Someone can create a mod that adds a company to Skyrim that manufactures all the undergarments, only in a single style, and that has a monopoly on the undergarment industry in Skyrim.

It will be glorious!


There will be sweatshops with Nords working like slaves to produce undergarments, and you would be able to liberate them. And there can be caravans delivering underwear to towns, which can get raided by bandits and which would explain why bandits also have underwear and....


Okay, maybe it's not such a good idea after all. :P


Lol well you know it would have to be the Thalmor behind the evil Big Underwear conglomerate XD


Little was it known by the people of the Imperial Provinces that, as a secret part of the White-Gold Concordat, the Aldmeri Dominion requested to set up a monopoly on underwear. The little-known Aldmeria's Secret underwear company made massive profits off of the mass distribution of its underwear. Due to lack of a displayed brand-name, the people never suspected a thing. As part of citizenship of the Empire, all citizens were to change underwear styles. Before this, the people all purchased underwear from an Imperial company, known for manufacturing incredibly ugly underwear. It was most well-known for its use in Cyrodiil. Aldmeria's Secret designed better-looking underwear, but the Aldmeri Dominion didn't want the people of the Empire to think they were actually doing something good, so they tried to keep it a secret. It's not a secret any longer though!

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My problem is that I almost can't find good mods for male chars. I've been asking and looking everywhere for a simple hairmod for male orcs (I wanted the long hair humans have), but whenever I use any combination of "orc", "male" and "hair" I end up with mods for females, and that pisses me off.
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Eh. I only installed the nude mods because it can be damn creepy.


Quest Spoiler!


Remember the ladies that got killed in Windhelm by that "Unknown killer"? They end up dead without any armour on. With the nude mod, it adds to the atmosphere that there really is a maniac runnin' about.



And lets not forget that little band of gamblers in that cave-I-forgot-the-name-of. It made me chuckle to see a female gambler that has gambled away all her clothes.




But one thing I am annoyed at, is that there are not any reasonable male nude mods. The wingy-ding is either too big, too long, or just looks like those water-snake things.



But I digress. Gimme a nude mod that looks good for males so I can add to that creepy atmospher pl0x.

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I'll be honest, I downloaded nude models for both male and female characters, not for the sake of being perverted and fapping to pixels but because in my opinion, Bandits, Raiders and other criminals/deviants who survive on only what they can plunder wouldn't take the time to plunder some guys/girls undies and also probably wouldn't take the time to try to piece together their own. For me, it adds an aspect of "realism". If I'm a bandit, living in a cave and stealing what I want to survive why would I bother with things like underwear? Simple answer is, I wouldn't. I barely wear any as it is now. (Don't get too excited now.) But getting back to my point, I also use them because when a bandit tries to kill me, I leave their naked, slashed-up, arrow-ridden corpse on the side of the road as a reminder to their buddies that not everyone on the road is easy prey.



I also like to leave the naked corpses of the Silver Hand strung up on the archway of Jorrvaskr as a sign to not f*** with me or my Shield-Brothers and Sisters.


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