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What kinds of mods do women like?


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As the you've guessed from the title, I'm a man and would like to get to know the other half of the Nexus better. If there are other topics on this, I couldn't find them.


Where do you feel modding is lacking for you the most and what kinds of mods would you like to see? What about mods you already love and can't play without? What sort of interactivity would you value most in quests and followers?


Anything you'd want to share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Hmm I would love to see more male custom voiced followers, there are quite a bit of female followers that give people who's main character is male a reason to download slooty armors and such, or the female follower mods that are just overly sexual. It would be nice to see some more male follower mods similar to Inigo, he is in my opinion the only really decent male follower mod (with custom voice) out there (that I have found). But as for the rest of the stuff I think that might be the only place where I as a female differ from my male counterparts of Skyrim modding.

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I totally agree with WickedClover. We need decent male followers, most of the are ugly or boys. I like Inigo too, but ... well, he is a cat and I'm no cat woman ;-). And I hate skimpy armors and mods that make women look like children with giant boobs, but I know that a lot of male gamers agree with me here. I think there is a bigger difference between adult or old school gamers and kiddies than between male and female gamers.

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Third 'vote' for male follower mods. Quest/world aware, custom voiced, own personality/interests/quests, attractive (and, well...elf/human), romance-able...especially with the romance-able bit. Pretty much like Julan from Morrowind, bar the voiced thing. Bonus points if he's Dunmer or Altmer.

I know of quite a number of male follower mods, but there isn't a single one that has all five criteria. On the other hand, there are several female mods that do, with new ones turning up occasionally.


In general, though...

- Bit fussy with my character's appearance, so RaceMenu, CBBE and SkyHair for pretty, realistic and youthful characters. Skyrim's default 'everyone's either an 11-year old potato or 50+ year old bag of wrinkles and filth with straw for hair' was definitely not to my taste.

- Not a fan of the skimpy stuff/chainmail bikinis. Ditto over-the-top or weird body shapes.

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there use to be this mod that would make it where you could strip all the male npcs down naked I'm having trouble finding it. It's been years so maybe it's gone now. There was a choice on the size of "package"

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