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How do you insert the whole body inside armor?


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which is why I suggested you paste the outfit into the body nif and not the other way around, it'll just save you the time it takes creating the missing bone ref nodes that are found in the body meshes skin instance but are not present in the nif for the outfit. If you get any of that going the other way just make a ninode and name it the same as whatever bone is missing from the nif.
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Is it as simple as just copying/pasting the missing bone form another mesh and naming it correctly? I tried that, and it seemed to work in Nifskope, but I wasn't game to test in in Skyrim in case I killed my game or something (or shot it in the knee)


Sorry about these all these dumb questions Ghogiel, but so far your the only "professional" modder who has been kind enough to offer such great help and advice ... Thanks

Edited by Perraine
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Yeah I copied and pasted the missing bones then it worked fine. Finally got it without weird s*** happening like I was having. But now I am having fun with Alpha channels. For some reason the model that's invisible such as the sleeves and pants is still there. You cant see it but as you move around it makes the textures behind it invisible even though there's no alpha channel for that part to make it invisible.




Also the wrists are missing and the ring thing around the arm just below the elbow does not exist in the clothing model, might be part of the gloves I dont know since this set wasn't meant to be played. As you can see in the picture the legs are completely affected and only part of the arm just above the wrist does it. Makes Ebony gauntlets into gloves which is a cool affect if the wrists weren't missing.



The ring thing on the arm is part of the gloves. its actually the back of the wrist that's part of the glove model. And I noticed now that the bones I had to paste are not lined up correctly. there's a small gap there on the y axis.



It only happens to the skirt part of the robe. The top part does not become invisible.


***edit and last one...


Alpha is fixed. the flags were screwed up. Incase anyone has the same problem and finds this thread heres the settings that worked.


enable blending, checked. Source blend mode: Src Alpha. Destination Blend Mode: Inv Src Alpha. Enable testing checked. Alpha Test Function: Greater. Alpha Test Threshold: 128. No Sorter unchecked.

Edited by jet4571
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Oh FFS! I give up ...!!!


I've come to a couple of conclusions about BGS:

1) Every single armor, clothing and body mesh in Skyrim was made by a different person (including type_0 and type_1 meshes)

2) Not 1 single person spoke the same language as any other person

3) None of the people making the meshes were even in the same country (or same planet?) as any other person

4) No one was in charge

5) No one gave them a body mesh to use as a base

6) No one bothered to even do a cursory quality control check before they put them in the game


I seriously think it was kind of a "Willy Wonka Golden Ticket" type of situation ... You open your cereal box and there's a DVD disc inside with a little note saying "Here's your (ancient) copy of 3DS and an Alpha Release of Nifskope, If you can make a piece of armor or clothing that will load into Nifskope we'll give you $100 ... Have fun"


I spend hours tweaking a **_0 mesh to fit a body inside, then once that's perfect (or pretty close) I load up the **_1 mesh and ... --> nope --> nada --> never gonna' happen, no matter how much you tweak and twist it will never fit the body ... <sigh> looks like I'm going to have to go down the Blender path ...

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Perraine I think I hafta agree with your list lol. I noticed the same thing with the psiijic armor so i used the _0 version to make the _1. just had to move the vertices around the stomach and boobs forward and the butt and upper back a little back. I couldn't import both body and the armor then export to use but you can import the body for reference, just uncheck all the checkboxes. move the full body mesh to line up with the neck seam on the partial. then move vertices on the armor to fit. Once its done delete the full body and export.


I still have the missing wrist issue, but it is not really the wrist that's missing but the gauntlet itself. The sleeves on the robe will make that part disappear and I have no idea how to shut that s*** off! My robe doesn't have long sleeves and no texture artist can ever put them back.


Plus has anyone ever looked at the uvw map for the robes? was it the modelers first uvw map? because it was horrible. So since I was redoing the texture anyway and all I had done so far was alpha channels and a texture typa that i wanted in that spot pasted on top so i could get an idea of how it would look... So no loss If i had to do it over and So back into max and complete new UVW thats not all over the dam place and texporter to export it so I know where everything is in photoshop. I may not be all that great for mapping a UVW but s*** whoever did the robes was worse than me!

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I'm not certain you mean this, but the dismember partitions are used to disable geometry from rendering... they assign face selections to particular partitions in an attempt to optimise, by not rendering what would be hidden faces and to prevent clipping when various outfit pieces are worn. eg if you wear boots toward the ankle of the body mesh those bottom few sections of polygons will be disabled. Same happens at the wrist.
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Well anyway ... I keep reading Ghogiel's quote about how modding is supposed to be fun, so I decided to f***a** around a bit with Nifskope ... Now I notice in a couple of mods, that they used a very sneaky technique for creating different looks ... What I call the "Alpha Cheat" = You load up 1 mesh, the load up a second different mesh, and using the rename + copy paste method used for bodies you 'paste' one armor over the top of another, you then add an "AlphaProperty" to 1 or both NiTriShapes and then start deleting bits from the texture file ...



It's not pretty but it works OK


I also figured out how to change the colour of the 'sheen' on the armor, It was green (from the glass armor shoulders) so I changed it to a dark red/maroon colour ...


As I said just a**ing about and most importantly 'having fun' !

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Lol ... If you could see some of my creations you'd know what a**ing about means ! ... Anyway here's a couple of "other" fun projects ...


Decided to make the Wedding Dress with a seethru front panel plus naughty lacy underwear (finally got the combination of alpha's right to make both pieces have transparencies



This one was inspired by a gut who wanted "Nord" armor not just the boots/gauntlets. The new boots look great and the male version turned out pretty good too, but once again I had trouble with the female versions, couldn't get rid of the clipping, so I kept deleting parts until it didn't clip any more, unfortunately (or providentially?) that meant she ain't got no pants! There is still some clipping around the butt, but you don't notice it much because I used a 'metal' texture to make new underwear to go with it (sneaky huh?)




And this one was ... well ... just for fun ... BTW I did all the "farmclothes** and all are a bit different but <eeewwww> when you see some of the wrinkly old women in these skimpy outfits, it scars you for life! What has been seen cannot be unseen! So I'll spare you those screenshots


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