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Rebellion or Legion


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It is logical to support The Empire after killing Titus Mede II because it was part of his plan.


Mede knew signing the WGC was the only way to allow the Empire time to rebuild so it could being its attack against the thalmor again. However he also knew it would blow his credibility into nothing and he needed someoen to take his place on the throne if The Empire was going to be rallied against The thalmor.


Are you saying Titus Mede II is the Joker?




I actually decided to join the Empire after I killed Mede due to his dialogue.

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I actually decided to join the Empire after I killed Mede due to his dialogue.


IMO Titus Mede is a far greater Emperor then most give him credit for.


I agree with this 110%. But then again, i think the Concordant was the right decision to make given the circumstances. Whether it remains the right decision or not will depend on if we can finally kill off those damn Thalmor.

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I agree with this 110%. But then again, i think the Concordant was the right decision to make given the circumstances. Whether it remains the right decision or not will depend on if we can finally kill off those damn Thalmor.


Little is know about the Thalmor, and they depicted as the protoclassical Antagonists. But I'd like to have a little more info on their causes, they current society, and who rules them to what aim before ordering a genocide on 'em.

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I agree with this 110%. But then again, i think the Concordant was the right decision to make given the circumstances. Whether it remains the right decision or not will depend on if we can finally kill off those damn Thalmor.


Little is know about the Thalmor, and they depicted as the protoclassical Antagonists. But I'd like to have a little more info on their causes, they current society, and who rules them to what aim before ordering a genocide on 'em.



What appears to be an Altmeri commentary on Talos:


To kill Man is to reach Heaven, from where we came before the Doom Drum's iniquity. When we accomplish this, we can escape the mockery and long shame of the Material Prison.


To achieve this goal, we must:


1) Erase the Upstart Talos from the mythic. His presence fortifies the Wheel of the Convention, and binds our souls to this plane.


2) Remove Man not just from the world, but from the Pattern of Possibility, so that the very idea of them can be forgotten and thereby never again repeated.


3) With Talos and the Sons of Talos removed, the Dragon will become ours to unbind. The world of mortals will be over. The Dragon will uncoil his hold on the stagnancy of linear time and move as Free Serpent again, moving through the Aether without measure or burden, spilling time along the innumerable roads we once travelled. And with that we will regain the mantle of the imperishable spirit.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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I tend to dissagree that Talos is Lrokhan personified, as his temperment doesn't reflect that of any of the Shezzarines. He was more than willing to work with Elves, rather than expressing abject hatred for them, as Pelinal and Wulfhearth showed.


Talos most definately replaced Lorkhan as the 'God of Men' in the pantheon of the Divines, but i think he represents more of a static ballance than Lorkhan ever did.

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I tend to dissagree that Talos is Lrokhan personified, as his temperment doesn't reflect that of any of the Shezzarines. He was more than willing to work with Elves, rather than expressing abject hatred for them, as Pelinal and Wulfhearth showed.


Talos most definately replaced Lorkhan as the 'God of Men' in the pantheon of the Divines, but i think he represents more of a static ballance than Lorkhan ever did.

But you forget Tiber Septim mantled Ysmir Wulfharth and vice-versa, then they became one in the same along with Zurin Arctus




Lorkhan and his avatars:


1. Wulfharth L

2. Hjalti O

3. Ysmir R

4. Talos K

5. Arctus H

6. Septim A


Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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That is one arguement in regards to Talos' apothesis, yes. As you yourself have stated elsewhere, one has to take a 3rd person perspective when evaluating lore, and cannot take what is expressed in-game as absolute fact.


As it stands, we have 3 potential causes of Talos' apothesis.


A; He became the divine Lorkhan through the combination of himself, Wulfhearth and Arctus

B; He was elevated by the Divines for his work in bringing unity and prosperity to Tamriel

C; He acheived CHIM and could really be whatever he damn well pleased.


All have supporting information in game, and we have no concrete meta explination as to which is correct.


You also have to consider that the apothesis of an Avatar does not equate to the personification of a former god. If Alduin were to become divine, would he become Akatosh, or would he represent another divine temperment? What if Wulf had of, through one means or another, acheived divinity? Would he then be Lorkhan, since Wulf=Talps=Lorkhan?


Talos supplanted Lorkhan as the god of Men, but that does not nessessarily mean he is Lorkhan personified.

Edited by Lachdonin
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I am going to go with what Michael Kirkbride said, since he basically made the lore.


He says Wulfharth, Ysmir, Hjalti, Talos, Arctus, and Septim were all avatars of Lorkhan then they probably were.


Again though, being the Avatar of a god, then ascending to Godhood, does not mean that the first god is back.

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