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Modding scene not dead?


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Well, I like to build my settlements :smile:, or to explore. In Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 I enjoy more the sitequests, as the mainquests. Only the New Vegas mainstory is good in my opinion, but that makes f3 and f4 not to bad games for me.


I would have to agree that the storylines in FO3 and FNV were better. I always liked playing evil characters (Like blowing UP Megaton or shooting grandma for 5 caps). There just isn't the same feel in FO4. :nuke:

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Jesus. I haven't watched but, if that's true, that a sign from common sense to take a break. I still thnink he's right about Fallout 4. Then again, he also said you can be a gamer who occassionaly mods or a modder who occaosionally games but not both, so maybe, just maybe, the suckage won't knock him out of the game.


I do have reason to wonder about other modders. I tried learning how to mod New Vegas and it was...awful. But that game made me want to learn to mod. This game? It doesn't, not at all. I have no desire to ever play the vanilla experience again. This game is Star Wars Prequel bad in everything but the combat, and even combat gets dull very quickly without context and character.



Those look good, not quite enough on their own. I've actually heard good things about Tales from the Commonwealth. The ones I'm actually excited about are the ones where you can spare the Railroad in Institute and Brotherhood endings.


I've spent almost 900hrs in FO4 and havn't even reached the institute yet!! :huh: I just don't care about the "story". I only play to explore and see what weird s*** I can find. Like this puzzle I'm trying to solve to get in a bunker up north. Also, I'm playing with the War Never Changes gameplay overhaul mod. It really changes some aspects of gameplay. For instance; Your character and enemies are no longer bullet sponges, the perk tree is redone, followers are a little better, ext.



I could kiss you man, but I doubt it would be appriciated as much as intended! War Never Changes sounds like exactly the kind of overhaul I need to get back into Fallout 4. I'm going to finish all the quests I want to try, but War Never Changes actually gives me hope!


By the way, is there a mod that adds Critcals back in or banks non-VATS shots into the critical meter? That would really make my day.

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I end always as good character in my rpgs :| But the problem on playing the "white knight" is, you need real bad enemies (for feeling good/to clean grandmas room is not satisfying :D). And they have nv for sure^^.

Edited by taryl80
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I was considering making a thread to see how interested people might be in roughly storyboarding and working (loosely) together for some mods that would basically be standalones but theoretically could detect the existence of and then make an alteration to their own parameters to incorporate other things, to make questlines that play out together

granted I don't know a ton but I figure the idea is sound if someone vaguely interested in it tried
maybe get some modders to come together with their own things and then see how maybe some of them could be strung together easily, that sort of thing
or maybe as some sort of brainstorm session and then see what pops out that people enjoy the idea of and want to tackle, and then just having a colossal WIP with some tracking of the things

you know, like if someone wants to do a quest in a certain region, that sort of thing, and all that, the trick would be dealing with things from multiple people in the same area, and that sort of thing

I've only gotten to the 56 minute mark but I think with some throwing around of ideas and a little bit of groundwork then a light brushover to see if any inter-threading could be done, and maybe any cute little dumb things it could be interesting
the fire ants quest was kind of neat to be honest, and it led you to the discovery of supermutants and the brotherhood of steel (to use something outside of megaton)
the video's fairly reasonable about the thing, I think people are a bit afraid almost to touch the regions because they're so well done (although I noticed a few mods exist that do), but I bet with a proper large overhaul some neat stuff could come around
a lot of the mods seem to be NPC changes, but the areas themselves don't exactly have quests that give you a lot of story, the NPC's and the area should combine and weave and thread and flow narratively - the grocery store in lexington for instance could be you kicking down the doors *as* the minutemen are getting torn to shreds, and if you save them or don't there's a bit of a different outcome (like they join back at sanctuary)

maybe you could hire some of the gunners over on that hill somewhere around the northwestern area of the map by that camp fire instead of just buying arms from them so you get some extra followers/settlers, maybe proctor quinlan's quest for food from the farms provokes negative consequences and you have to do something about it - maybe diamond city finds out it's being tunnelled into by feral ghouls (could touch on the rafters and the stands and have a tunnel system leading outside of the city from it, and part of the quest involves letting the rich black kid (morson latimer?) use it instead of going with cooke's plans in that other quest) and as a result chem prices are 20% lower at solomon's
or maybe you blow it up and the mayor gives you a house for free/some caps

one of the issues is lack of real choices, so if someone wanted to write a story and could work with people who could make regions, and it was fleshed out and half decent it could really show I think, a nice thing is how the game plays out, lots of the quests are kill this (that's all you do) or escort XYZ, there's sometimes interesting ones like shooting a character makes a decision instead of picking a speech option, but what about moira brown and the landmines requiring a skillcheck to convince her in FO3?

for that, a skills system would probably need to be implemented, the limitations on the player forcing a bit of selective pathing to define the kind of character you want is really really really important, if it's possible to transform the perks system into a skills system, that might be for the best, but for that to occur there probably would need to be a bog standard everyone can agree on or appreciate that's also in depth enough, because the current perk system is... way too simplified and gamey and it doubles as the skill system so too much is tied to it and you can't get the different kinds of things you might wish for from skills and character existence types boons from perks Edited by tartarsauce2
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To be honest, I don't think there are ever going to be any combination of mods that will "fix" FO4's myriad of problems. At least nothing short of a total conversion. I just try to improve the most glaring problems through mods. I can't help but feel that Beth didn't want to take any chances at something new. It is sad to see a dev house lose their creative spark. I saw the same thing happen with Bioware and the Dragon Age series. :sad:

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Quest mods face two issues

- 4-option dialogue which means you need to provide 4 options even if you only have one or 20

- precombined data which locks all land meshes into one to improve performance, meaning any edits to the worldspace break that data and you either leave it as is or recreate it. Any mod changing that cell or surrounding cells will undo your precombined data.


Regarding the gunners, there's a mod changing that. People are making lots of guns and outfits due to the easier time they have adding them and custom animations.


And lastly, the worse issue of all is that everyone has ideas, but very few are interested in following up and learning how to implement at least parts of them. Mods won't make themselves and people that can make them are already filled on the idea side. I can tell you I have around 10 mods planned, but very little time, and I bet the people that make more advanced they have either equally many ideas in their satchel, or the ideas they planned take a lot of time.

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It's so tiring hearing people say how much "FO4 sucks" and that "the modding scene is dead". Well you're still here aren't you? Nothing is stopping you from playing FNV or FO3... or maybe FO4 doesn't suck as much as you think, or maybe you're just entitled. Or you could help out by modding FO4 yourself. There are some really talented people here that need support, not "the scene is dead".


Yes, there are some great short comings with FO4. Yes Bethesda could have done a better job. No FO4 is not as great as Skyrim with guns... get over it.


I will come back if/when there's a Classic Fallout Weapons and PN/FWE overhaul, but not before.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. No one is going to hear your demand and come running to make your PN/FWE overhaul to bring you back. Modders make mods for their own enjoyment, not to satisfy the demand of entitled users.
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And lastly, the worse issue of all is that everyone has ideas, but very few are interested in following up and learning how to implement at least parts of them. Mods won't make themselves and people that can make them are already filled on the idea side. I can tell you I have around 10 mods planned, but very little time, and I bet the people that make more advanced they have either equally many ideas in their satchel, or the ideas they planned take a lot of time.


Seriously, available time to mod is such a problem. If we were paid professionals we'd be able to crank out content. As it is, most of us have to squeeze modding into a life filled with other commitments.





It's so tiring hearing people say how much "FO4 sucks"


Yeah, me too. The complaint that FO4 offers no player choice is the one that bothers me the most because it is simply inaccurate. The main quest offers five distinct ending possiblities each of which change the gameworld in different ways based on the choices you make. There are side quests with choices to make as well (Covenant, USS Consititution, Danse's quest, Drumlin Diner, the endings of The Big Dig, the drug dealer one in Diamond City, etc). They all offer choices to the player and once that choice is made the game changes accordingly. You'd think the only thing in the game is shooting and settlement building when you listen to the critics.


The game definitely isn't perfect, but it isn't the tragic failure that so many people like to claim it is.

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Quest mods face two issues

- 4-option dialogue which means you need to provide 4 options even if you only have one or 20

- precombined data which locks all land meshes into one to improve performance, meaning any edits to the worldspace break that data and you either leave it as is or recreate it. Any mod changing that cell or surrounding cells will undo your precombined data.


Regarding the gunners, there's a mod changing that. People are making lots of guns and outfits due to the easier time they have adding them and custom animations.


And lastly, the worse issue of all is that everyone has ideas, but very few are interested in following up and learning how to implement at least parts of them. Mods won't make themselves and people that can make them are already filled on the idea side. I can tell you I have around 10 mods planned, but very little time, and I bet the people that make more advanced they have either equally many ideas in their satchel, or the ideas they planned take a lot of time.

Because Quests are basically data collectors, the last part of those issues you listed, just kills any reason to work with quests. So there goes tons of mod ideas out of the window. I thought Beth "fixed" that(oh wait, they said "working as intended").


And I don't think the game is bad at all. 166 hours of play in it.

Edited by Lisselli
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