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Crashes; please help D:


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Hello im new to skyrim mods and I thought I had the hang of it, though maybe not :P

Anyway ive got a pretty decent computer build, I use Mod organizer for 202 esp / esm, I know how to run FNIS and have used LOOT (the basic version that comes with MO) for load orders...

The game starts up fine and from what ive heard; if you can get to the main menu then generaly your load order is alright?

The crashes come at very random times, the most recent wants are when ever I "wait" or try re-load a save. Often the save will work after about 3/4 times trying to load it. Like I say their random; so I could be playing for like 2hrs fine, suddenly a crash (say using a 'bed' to 'sleep') then when i try load the game again, it may take a few tries to get back into the game, then it could be fine for a while or crash pretty much straigh after??


I try make as many saves as I can when it seems to be running good, so I can load back as a fail-safe; but as I say, ive not a clue what causes these crashes?? (Maybe its just normal - who knows.... (Hopefully one of you guys xD )).


Also Ive got sorted out that memory log thing; so I can use 512mb in the first bundle instead of 256mb - which I understand is one of the main ways to crash with multiple mods active.


Any advice would be good, thank you :)

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Before I look into it, I would suggest using the main version of LOOT instead of the built in one. It can be wrong sometimes in my experience.


This video will show you how to install LOOT and TESVEdit with Mod Organizer - both are very handy to use tools.





Also, watch these too.







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Fantastic I'll have a look at them in a bit, so would you recommend getting the main version of LOOT and TESVEdit both for MO?


Im in the process of watching the first video now, just thought Id ask though if you do think its a load order problem; since if it were, Ive been lead to believe that it would have crashed straight away?

Edited by Owltowel
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I would suggest getting the normal versions of those programs, yes. As for your load order causing the CTD - it's possible that is what is causing it. However, the most likely culprit is you're missing a master file. Mod Organizer in the right pane should have warning symbols if you're missing master files or certain compatibility patches and stuff. These other tools are important to make sure you have the correct tools - and are setting them up correctly. Plus, it would be nice to have LOOT sort your load order before you share it here - which is pretty crucial.

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I would use less mods, like no more than 30 (you said you were new to Skyrim mods). Of course, this would require you starting a new character.


The more mods you use, the more issues can arise.

You gotta build up your modding knowledge and be able to figure out "trouble" mods in your load order; because only you are uniquely qualified as the best person to troubleshoot your Skyrim mods.


Daddy above also gave great advise.


Good luck

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Im having a lot of trouble installing the normal version of LOOT; eventually got the installer downloaded, then on the final set-up stage, it just kept running and nothing happened!? Then when i tried to open the program, it told me Im missing a .dll file from my computer. After trouble shooting this im told i need the lastest version of C + + (Which ive had fro ages!?)

And in MO the lite version of LOOT is sometimes being a bit funny, though still seems to 'work'.


On another note TESVEdit downloaded and can me run from MO just fine :smile:


You say stick to 30 mods, but mate, ever since Skyrim came out ive wanted to play a modded version. Is there no more general adivce to sort this out?? Like deactivate and reinstall all the mods, loading a save after each mod. Or try merging all animation or weapon mods? I dunno something to let me understand better.


On MO, in the right pane where all the esm / esp (s) are, ive not a single caution sign and message refering to any error or confilct???


Long story short; how do you make 202 mods work togeather? Please help Skyrim community!



[Edit] : Ive got LOOT and TESVEdit onto MO; what next? :)

Edited by Owltowel
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