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I've recently started using the FO4 Creation Kit. While I seem to be doing quite well using You-tube (Red Rocket TV is Awesome Help); I am looking for the most-helpful location to ask more specific questions that you-tube does not answer.

I have some minor issues that I have come across. And some questions on how to do things that im quite certain can be done.

I am looking for a fairly active community that can assist. Is there an IRC group or is this Forum the only location for this?

BTW: yes i know I can use some of the creation kit information for Skyrim, but even those are not helping mainly because the FO4 creation kit has some slight but also major differences.

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Facinating. I have not considered Discord. Im more the IRC type person, but i may try Discord.


I don't mind waiting for answers, but sometimes I need more immediate answers. I enjoy building my own Mods so far. I use to use primarily console commands until I came across bugs i could not fix.

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