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Int. Doors and portcullises don't work in 1rst Person


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It's driving me crazy.PC is a Dell Dimension 4700 running 2.80GHz.4 GB Ram but only using 3 (Windows XP 32). Radeon HD 5570 1GB PCI Express.Graphics are seamless and beautiful.But unfortunately interior doors,fire places,corpse mashers are choppy at best in 3rd person and don't work at all in 1rst. Because of this I went through Tweak guides and actually improved frame rate and visual quality outdoors. Doesn't make any sense because confined areas of interiors should take less processing power than the outdoors. Does anyone have this problem or any ideas how to fix this? Any input will be GREATLY APPRECIATED as I enjoy this game thoroughly !!! And again - Thanks. Email me
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It's driving me crazy.PC is a Dell Dimension 4700 running 2.80GHz.4 GB Ram but only using 3 (Windows XP 32). Radeon HD 5570 1GB PCI Express.Graphics are seamless and beautiful.But unfortunately interior doors,fire places,corpse mashers are choppy at best in 3rd person and don't work at all in 1rst. Because of this I went through Tweak guides and actually improved frame rate and visual quality outdoors. Doesn't make any sense because confined areas of interiors should take less processing power than the outdoors. Does anyone have this problem or any ideas how to fix this? Any input will be GREATLY APPRECIATED as I enjoy this game thoroughly !!! And again - Thanks. Email me
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Are you a victim of A-bomb? Oblivion has a design flaw that people call the A-bomb or Animation-Bomb. If you have played one character for a rather long time, then you will reach a certain point where the animations will suddenly stop playing smoothly and at their proper speed. The animations are things like fires and traps and spell lighting effects. The actors very well could be running around quickly and smoothly while the animations are stuttering as badly as can be.


To temporarily fix the A-Bomb problem in one particular savegame, use Wrye Bash. Go to "Saves." Right click on the bad savegame. Choose "Repair Abomb." This is just a temporary fix, but it fixes the game for a rather long time, and then if you get A-bomb again, you can just run the utility again like you did the first time.

Edited by David Brasher
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It's driving me crazy.PC is a Dell Dimension 4700 running 2.80GHz.4 GB Ram but only using 3 (Windows XP 32). Radeon HD 5570 1GB PCI Express.Graphics are seamless and beautiful.But unfortunately interior doors,fire places,corpse mashers are choppy at best in 3rd person and don't work at all in 1rst. Because of this I went through Tweak guides and actually improved frame rate and visual quality outdoors. Doesn't make any sense because confined areas of interiors should take less processing power than the outdoors. Does anyone have this problem or any ideas how to fix this? Any input will be GREATLY APPRECIATED as I enjoy this game thoroughly !!! And again - Thanks. Email me

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Thank You both for the input !!! Character level is fixing to be level 51 with a luck of 96. No cheats or walk throughs. The first character I played before I was on line maxed at Lvl 48 and I never finished the game. So as game time is concerned the answer is - Oh YEAH !!! I haven't tried either solution yet but Thank You both for replying !!! I'll try this and keep You posted. Again Thanks :)
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You Guys ROCK !!!!!!! Thanks A Million !!!!!! I quit playing it for that reason and Now It's Game On :) . Again I am Eternally Grateful as I didn't want to play Skyrim until I finished Elder Scrolls 4 !!! Again - Utmost Gratitude :)
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Want to say Thanks again - not only did it fix the indoors but seems to have improved outdoors as well !!! It's Most notable when being attacked by a large group such as a hoard of goblins. I don't know if it was a glitch but I was attacked by 12 bandits just outside of Skingrad at level 30 and it took three reloads to collect the spoils because the items kept disappearing. Whole Lottsa Fun !!! :)
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The only caveat I can add is one that David already mentioned ... no matter which solution you use to fix the A-Bomb you will need to rerun that fix every now and then. I can usually tell by how the flames look on the Legion riders torches well before it starts causing major problems. In Wyre Bash you can get a percent reading on how close you are to needing to rerun the fix. In OAF it gives you an actual value of the problem byte. I generally start seeing trailing effects from the torches at about 48 on the byte value (49 is the value for when it requires fixing).
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