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Crash when trying to save


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I've had this issue since yesterday, every time I try to save the game (even autosave) it crashes.

I have a couple of mods installed, maybe someone can tell me what the issue here is.


Quality World Map With Roads V7

Rich Merchants

Better Beast Races V2

Better Sorting

Book of Treasures

Breezehome Basement 0.6

Breezehome Bookshelves 0.2

Breezehome First Wing 0.5

Collectors Edition to Breezehome

Collectors Edition to Honeyside

Detailed Bodies 1.3

Detailed Faces V2

Detailed Lips 1.2

Enhanced Blood Textures

Enhanced Distant Terrain 1.2

Enhanced Night Skyrin v04 High Stars

Glowing Ore Veins 300

High Quality Eyes1.2

JaySuS Swords V10

Lost Art of the Blacksmith

Lush Grass

No More Blocky Faces 1.5

QD Inventory

Realistic Smoke and Embers 1.3

RWT: Realistic Water Textures

Skyrin Flora Overhaul V107 High Res

Skyrim Sunglare v3


TESV Acceleration Later 0.3


And skse 1.04.03


I have no idea why my game keeps crashing when I try to save (I do however have over 700 save files, but I can't imagine this being an issue).

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I posted about a similar issue a few days ago here.

Mine was related to entering the city of Riften. Something in Riften kept messing up Skyrim's save function and resulting in CTD every time I tried to save.


When did this start happening in your game? Did this start happening after you entered a new area?

If you don't know, try backtracking through your saves and replaying up to point where the game stops saving properly.

You do a fair bit of mods going, so it's still best to try and rule those out first.

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