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Nifskope Help


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how do i set up Nifskope to aloow me to see textures when i open meshes? im using V1.1 RC4 and no matter how many time i direct the rendering path to the textures folder (which has all the Vanilla textures unpacked into it) it wont show them in Nifskope.


Also, how do i make a Nif file or Mesh use a different texture? as in have 2 meshes that are the same but make them each use a seperate texture?



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well thats weird, it worked fine with me tho, but still you can directly set the texture. And are you sure that you put all the texture in the right folder ?


for the second question is yes, as long they're separate mesh, but still you need to set the new texture path for the other mesh..

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yes the textures folder is as it was when extracted via the FO3 Mod Manager. i go to 'Render' 'Settings' 'Rendering' and put the first folder as my textures folder, but meshes are constantly white... never shows the textures at all which is highly frustrating!


and the second question was how do i set a new texture path? i know i can do this, but i'd like to know how.


Callaghan04 (P.S. thanks for quick reply!)

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i sorted the textures not showing up problem, turns out i'm an idiot and set it directly too 'Textures' instead of 'Data'... my bad. but changing texture paths is still eluding me! the NifWiki tutorial is out of date, its telling me to look for some 'Purple Flower' next to the Block List Name, well... there is no purple flower! so how do i change the texture path?



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i'm aware that you can use nifskope right ? than make your new texture for the other mesh, and put it in same folder or not, your choice.


Open your file with nifskope, highlight the nitrishape of mesh that you want to use texture that you just created in block list, expand it and go to BSShaderLightningProperty, expand it again you'll find BSShaderTextureSet than go to block detail, expand the textures than you'll see 2 line of the texture path (or more), the first will be diffuse/colour and the second are normal/bumb, just double click on purple flower icon and locate your new texture..

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found my way down the tree to BSShaderTextureSet, but nothing here seemed to work, right click, Block, leads to nothing, the tabs across the top while file is highlighted leads to nothing... i cant find any way to get the texture paths to show themselves... yeah, this is the first time ive ever used Nifskope. i usually just stick to editing textures for replacement but decided i should broaden my horizons.


anyway, can you please just give me a stupidly noob friendly step by step on this?



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