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Tldr: port skyrim items, textures and buildings into fallout 4 client while keeping settlements system. I am eagerly willing to help anywhere i can.


Long story: So I just checked to see whether or not the geck for fo4 was released and saw that bethesda has recycled the tesv creation kit for it. I will admit I put all gaming aside for awhile as the past few months have seen long hours of studying and research projects culminate in my long awaited degree in History become a reality. However, now begins the real challenge of finding a serious job. In any case I'm currently forced into a type of winter vacation and I've come up with an idea!


I've grown bored with the likes of warband and total war. They lack a certain depth that bethesda games always seem to have. I love fallout 4 but as a history nerd i sometimes wish it had a medieval setting (striking similarities between dark age europe and post-apocalyptic Massachusetts btw). Also, the countless hours i spent in Skyrim had me wanting one final feature: customizable settlements and a dynamic kingdom. In fact I got my hopes up with hearth fire and when that let me down i even tried learning scripting and making a skyrim mod to allow buildable castles at Helgen (i failed at scripting). FO4 has the settlement/kingdom and crafting systems i dreamed about for skyrim but not my beloved swashbuckling nordic beast-man! Now there is a quasi-medieval mod for FO4 but that modder seems to have gone the lore-route of in the future things become medieval-esque again in a sort of circular timeline. That's not exactly what I have in mind.


Idea 1: since it would probably be easier and quicker than starting from scratch, transfer in weapons, armors, items and corresponding textures from skyrim into fo4 and smooth it out as much as possible as far as dialogue and plasma gun references. Also, while keeping the settlement system from FO4, make it feel more TESV lore-friendly. For example changing chainlink fence textures to wattle fence and replacing tato crops with leeks, etc. I can't imagine that this would be impossible, and I'm sure the fact that the two games use the same creation kit can only help the matter.


Of course I would be absolutely willing to help in any way I can, in fact I am going to try to start this myself but i have very little experience with any serious modding. I suppose this post is more of a request for help and/or guidance and also to see if anyone else has an interest in the idea.


Idea 2: Of course bolting skyrim parts into fallout's engine is a ginormous project in and of itself, I know. But I would be remiss if I didn't mention an even loftier goal: historical accuracy. It is important to remember that bethesda is going to release the next elder scrolls game in the future and it will undoubtedly have the settlement system from fallout if not an improved version. Of course this would mean that the aforementioned port/mod would instantly lose a lot of popularity if it had any and would become effectively obsolete. With that in mind what if there was a longer-term development goal? Perhaps this may be a less interesting idea among other gamers and also likely impossible to do completely, but hey, i shoot for the stars. I have a serious interest in realistic games and i suppose a respectable group of people do as well, given the success of the genre. So what if there was a mod for fallout that made it into a realistic medieval world? No dragons, no spells or magic. Just a realistic map with various little villages of peasant farmers and men-at-arms linked to one another via routes of trade and common enemies in a feudal landscape plagued by the constant threat of random attacks by rival kingdoms (factions) or marauding bands of exiles, criminals and raiders from the wilderness (raiders). Of course in order for it to be truly accurate there would need to be some loose parameters in place as far as time period and location (e.g. 14th century england, etc.) So that there aren't samurais fighting conquistadors or something. Not to toot my own horn again, but if a $38,000 university degree is good for nothing else, I can certainly decipher what is and is not historically accurate for a specific place and time in history and I can help in that capacity as well as historical context for a given time (eg pre-columbian european cuisine, etc). Maybe this is stupid or it won't really be fun for anyone else, I don't know. Just another idea, more of a history-nerd project dream of mine.


As stated before, if this seems doable or interesting please let me help! I really want to be a part of it if it turns into anything in any way i possibly can. I can't guarantee that I will check messages on here often so the best way to contact me is email at greenneonman2003@yahoo.com




P.s. If you've read this far, I salute you. You deserve an award or something.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 6:29 AM, Ethreon said:


Awesome! I didn't think it could be that tough to do as all of the basic game mechanics are the same between the two!


  On 1/22/2017 at 6:36 AM, qwertyzeldar said:

you cant port assets from other Beth games into each other except for personal use.


Well, this really just dumped a bucket of piss on my little parade if it is true. The author of the mod that Ethreon mentioned pretty much insinuated that he got permission to use some of the armors from skyrim and therefore could show and share them. Although the armors he showed seemed to be armor mods sourced from the modding community anyway.


Does Bethesda just flat out never give permission to use their models???

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Also, is this an interesting idea to other people or am I just going solo dolo on a nerd fantasy?


Anyone willing to take it on with me and collaborate?


Basically what I am trying to figure out is whether or not more experienced modders could even see this project taking flight in the future or not. Would this type of thing spark enough interest and generate enough excitement to justify the time and effort?

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Ok, well thank you guys for cluing me in on this fact. I was mistakenly thinking this would be relatively easy.


So does bethesda have the same type of policy toward things other than their actual finished armors and weapons? For example could i use the skyrim values and animations for say, a shield? Or is it just like a legality thing with all assets and intellectual property of another title being off limits?

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