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Quick question about deactivating mods.


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Just a quick one:


Theoretically, if I installed three mods via NMM but then made some mistakes. So say I let one mod overwrite files it shouldn't have, or I made some dodgy decisions on TES5E, and decided to then deactivate those mods. Would I need to re-download the mods, or would reactivating them restore them to their 'default'?


I know this must have been asked a hundred times before, but I've not been able to find another topic asking the question. I am still new to forums too, so please don't hate :P



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I only recently downloaded the newest version of NMM to test a FOMOD, so my use with the latest NMM is not that much.


In theory:

If you deactivate a mod, it remains installed and any changes *should* stay

If you uninstall a mod, all files *should* be removed.



reactivating would retain changes

reinstalling would revert changes


However, the profile system throws a kink into that and I cannot be certain if any modified files are retained when profiles are switched or even removed when the mod is uninstalled.


In any event, you have no need to re-download the mod as long as you do not delete the archive from NMM.

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Well, if it's only overwrites you are worried about, then you can deactivate them and then activate them in the order required for proper overwrites. Like SMIM and various other mods. You don't need to worry about de-installing them, the simple fact of de-activating them removes the mod from the single profile you are on.

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