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A call for originality


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Sarya, I saw your reports and took care of them all except for one which I did not agree on.


Would this work for everyone:


Implement a tag system for images just like how tags are done for mods but make it so that a tag cannot be accepted unless 3 or more people vote for the same tag...the author would need to be restricted to only suggesting tags rather than his/her vote being automatically accepted like with mod files.


Then you could search images based on the tags and categories.


Possible tags:


- Originality (keep in mind that todays original image is tomorrow's overused one)

- Artistic Nudity

- Mild Nudity

- Excessive Nudity

- Violence

- Environmental

- Funny

- Strange

- Bug

- Creatures

- Player Characters

- Buildings

- Works-In-Progress

- etc.



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Sarya has the grasp of this topic. I didn't start it to complain about nudity. What people want to look at is their own perogative. This is for all of us who are tired of looking at the same images constantly and to voice their concern about the degradation of the image share section with masses of poorly taken, uninteresting, cookie-cutter and just plain crap screenshots. I am of the belief that if we as members make an example (and leave good explanations for our ratings) of the ill considered pics that are ruining the image share section, the parties responsible will learn. I'm am not advocating bashing anybody for the images they post. I feel that if we rate them as they deserve, and then explain in the comments section why we have rated the screenshots, reasonably, maturely and concisely, we may be able to reverse this downward spiral. People will learn, it'll take patience on our parts as well as dilligence, but I really think we can make the change without having to resort to hamstringing the freedom we enjoy with all sorts of blocking and filters. This is just my opinion and it seems logical and reasonable to me.


I could be wrong though, in which case I think we're screwed and we might as well accept the fact that the Nexus' image share section will be ruled by the simpletons.



LHammonds, your tag system might just be the ticket.

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I see this as a larger issue than just the screenshots section. It is also the mods. We all like mods, yes? We all like it when someone makes an elaborate weapon, such as Addonay's longswords, or Phitt's helmets. Every day I go on to TESNexus to see if anybody made a new mod, with immersion such as these, and it is a HUGE dissappointment to see the most of the new mods of the day to be "Refurnished Chorrol Manor", or "all armours playable." The worst of all mods is "My Sexy Female Character." Im lucky if I can download atleast one weapon or clothing mod(somewhat lore-friendly) per week.


I used to go onto PlanetEldrescrolls ever since it was Morrowind Summit. Eventually all the screenshots were the same with the usual emo vampire mystic elf, or a half-assed wilderness picture. That caused me to leave that site and go the The Elderscrolls Source. It seems like what I ran away from has followed me.


Im not saying that the screenshots or mods of attractive female characters are terrible-looking, or mods with an anime theme are poorly-crafted, but it gets really really REALLY old seeing the same stuff uploaded every day.

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Ah ha! So it was you that brought these foul creatures here!!!


Well, I wouldn't be too hard on the newbies...especially concerning mods. Everyone has to start somewhere and simple stat changes in the CS is the first place to go. Re-textures are the next place to go which requires a re-do of an existing model (vanilla or custom).


Keep in mind that the current snapshot of modders out there are a mix of new and old and it is a RARE thing to see a new modder crank out Addonay-style models. Old modders leave, new ones come in so you are always going to see a bunch of newbie mods released compared to mods by more experience modders.


If you see a spark of hope in a new modder, be sure to encourage it because you never know if they are the one that will be top-dog tomorrow making the mods you only dreamed about.



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I must say that I've found this whole conversation a bit over-the-top. I personally browse both the image section and mod section extensively, and I have no problem at all in self-filtering what I choose to spend time viewing. I certainly wouldn't say no to image categories, but I will never support discouraging uploaders from sharing the things they create, whether I find such things worthwhile or not.


Rating on originality is completely ridiculous. Uploaders don't deserve to be impoliteness of being told that their work has been done before. Such "critiques" are hardly productive, as those to which they've been directed will attest.


This site allows uploaders to share without restriction, and I would be sad to see that change. In addition, I find the act of actively discouraging those who are less talented than others a despicable practice. If you want originality, don't spend your time discouraging the unoriginal; spend it showing them just what is possible.

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Lhammonds tagging system would serve to accomplish the segregation desired by many without alienating anyone. Much wisdom in your words Herosinger, and I am inclined to agree. If we start supporting some and boycotting others then the whole feel of this site could become very one track "be like us or we will make you uncomfortable enough to leave". This site is founded on the principle that all ages and all races are welcome to express themselves and as such it is common to have different points of view. In order to maintain a site that is based on the practices of a free society, it must remain just that, FREE!. Freedom kicks ass and I don't want anyone imposing on mine so I will follow my life long creed to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Think long and hard about that before you start a crusade that imposes on the freedoms of others.
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