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Win 10 and Satisfaction


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Okay, I run Win 7 and so far it's been satisfactory. I suppose that I'll eventually be forced to go to Win 10 when MS quits supporting 7 or when I build a new comp, or just because the MS god wants more



money. As with most new Win programming I hear and read a lot of gripes about 10. How bad is it for modding and games?

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I find that Win10 is practically the same when it comes to gaming, except that it has a little better performance due to optimizations. Frankly, the people griping about it are people who A) are complaining about privacy settings that can be completely disable, or B) have never actually used it. Many fall into both categories.

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I've been using WIN10 since it was first announced as an insider. The only problem I have with it is playing Fallout 3, and there are workarounds that makes the two compatible. Though, with the prevalence of new OS' you would imagine that Bethesda would make sure that there games are compatible with at least a small update to ensure it. I think that they like making money after all.

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