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Why do some envy/hate the rich?


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@ zegh8578

You win, Norway is the absolutely most expensive country in the world, and you beat Denmark :tongue:

and now I must leave the debate. I´m off for vacation my plane leaves in 3 hours.

Not that I´m rich I can only have a vacation 1-2 times a year. But I´m happy with those 1-2 times. Could I do it all the time I don´t think it would be funny annymore, but boring.

To see something nice, funny, beautyfull, you also got to see the counterparts, otherwise you cannot tell wich is wich.

As I say:


To see a lit candle you got to take it to a dark place.

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Aurielius said:

"Dear God another Hippie Love In.....quick where are the riot water cannons when you need them?" :whistling:

I say, Awww, A, you don't really mean it, do ya?? We love you too :D :whistling:

Thats true..we need air support ....now where did I park that Black Apache gunship? :whistling:

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All I ask is a chance to prove money can't make me happy. -cartoonist Ashleigh Brilliant

Funny thing is that I know people will all the toys money can buy and not one is actually happy.

Money can't buy you one true friend.

Edited by Aurielius
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Where have I been, what have I been up to and how could I have missed such a red hot sale of a topic ? ... Don't you people have phones anymore ? LOLOLOLOL


JOKE ... *clearing my throat* ... my dear brother KVN I can understand your frustration with the people out there that flaunt their dollars and status, but let's be honest

about this for a moment ... they have a talent or have "done something" that has brought them to the place of stardom and fame and are now enjoying the trappings

of wealth associated with said position.


How can "we" hate them for that ?

They might end up as in many cases drug addicts or live lifestyles that are utterlly corrupt depending on your "view" of things ... but that's their business.

I absolutely hate the fact that Amy Winehouse is dead, I love her music but that's the life she chose, Michael Jackson also sealed his fate with wrong choices as did a

host of other celebs to many to mention ... but that's got sweet nothing to do with you and I.


It's jealousy ... we wish we had what they have and curse them for their achievement but if we did what they did then we'd have what they have ... and don't tell me it's because

you're a certain race or language and that's the reason for your lot in life ... there are many people out there from all cultures and creeds that should never have made it

given their circumstances but they did despite all odds.


Yes I'm hard, but you have to be ... I apologise for being such a "female dog" if you catch my drift and so insensitive ... it's not intentional ... oh, and I've been accused of

being a bit too straightforward and brash ... butch too, lol, but so what ... nevertheless, I am woman, I am love.


I have houmor hehehe.


Today, yes today I went and gave a presentation of what I do to one of the most influential business men in an International chain of hotels in our country that have hotels

around the world I kid you not, believe it or don't it doesn't matter, but I did ... and when I left I had it sewn up, there were no short skirts, no open blouse with bulging boobs

and no secret handshakes either lol, nothing, just business talk and a knowledge and faith in what I do.

I was complimented on my expertise, technical knowledge and determination - after the guy had kept putting this off for well over three months - to see him and to solve the

clients problem.


It all starts with a vision ... what do you want hmm, what ? ... get a goal, get a vision and then you go and get what you want ... break it down into bite size pieces and

voraciously consume it.

Oh, and lastly, I do have a social conscience, I care where my as you would say "pocketbook" is ...

Remember that a failure is not someone who tries and fails but rather someone who tries and quits.


Having put way too much personal stuff in this post I'll in all probability withdraw into myself until my conscience tells me it's ok to come out ... which will be like tomorrow.



UPDATE: I HAVE EDITED THIS POST ON GOOD ADVICE ... If you haven't seen it then don't worry.

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I don't have a problem with those who earnt their fortunes through hard work and skill.


Its usually the self entitled idiots who were born into it, or recieved it using no skill of their own, that I absolutely loathe.

Edited by huntsman2310
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I can only speak for myself, but all I want is the rich to pay their fair share of taxes.


I do also tend to have a problem with those who have simply earned positions of power through nepotism. That too tends to rub me the wrong way.

Edited by CapnLilNemo
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Not all rich are created equal. You could be a scumbag with no money and no morals.


There are a few groups of rich people I don't like,the higher you go up the debt pyramid in the money world... saying that people are stepping on each others face just to climb it faster at all levels, and I don't like them either. Movie stars, sportsman, even most company CEOs and investors are just playing the system, if they have a shred of humanity then they would be concerned with being a benefit to mankind rather than greedy bastards< much like everyone else, poor or rich, whether they like it or not it's pretty much a necessity of survival to play the system in every country I have lived in.


I myself have had to justify immoral choices with something like 'beggers can't be choosers'. It's not cool.

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