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Deactivating the camera switch on finishing moves


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What the title says, is it possible to deactivate just the transition (is that the right word?) of the camera on finishing moves?


Dont get me wrong, i dont want to disable the moves themselves, but it gets annoying if the cameraposition changes every second opponent for a few seconds.

Or, if you play in third person, that you get sometimes forced into ego perspective for a few seconds while a finishing move runs.


Thanks in advance and sorry for the grammar.

Edited by Cyrotek
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I'd like some form of toggle for the finisher cams.


I don't like the first person POV of the finishers.

It can be disorienting though when it flicks backs and forth.

I'd like one where you can toggle the finisher POV's.


But, at a pinch, deactivating the camera switch of POV would be ok.

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