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I just want to reiterate what others have said. I've played Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3 and FNV. And to start with Skyrim seemed the hardest to get into.




This is my first TES game and I fell into it pretty easily. In fact I "clicked" with this game while I was in riverwood before I even went to whiterun because I explored. You need to explore to enjoy the game thats the key.


Id did however take me awhile to figure out the classless system through a lot of trial and error though...Finally got a good character.

Edited by ModelV
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I'm having a torrid time with it and I find it really boring. I just finished the first village and did the first dungeon and am headed to Whiterun but I just can't seem to care about the story, my character or anyone'd dialogue. I manage to go about 20 mins before I have to slaughter the whole village for entertainment then reload the save before I did it and carry on.


You are likely more suited to ego shooter. If all you expect from a video game is a lot of killing, then yes Skyrim is likely not for you.

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I'm having a torrid time with it and I find it really boring. I just finished the first village and did the first dungeon and am headed to Whiterun but I just can't seem to care about the story, my character or anyone'd dialogue. I manage to go about 20 mins before I have to slaughter the whole village for entertainment then reload the save before I did it and carry on.


You are likely more suited to ego shooter. If all you expect from a video game is a lot of killing, then yes Skyrim is likely not for you.


faifh has summed it up, and in curiously diplomatic terms as well.


....I'd have just pointed out you sound like a twitchy psychopath.

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I struggle to find how people find SKyrim boring, after playing the other TES games. The game starts with the best intor in ages, and throw you right into the fire.

Remember Oblivion? Damn dungeon crawl that was nothing but boring.

Remember Morrowind? You simply start with nothing to go with, exept a guy telling you to piss off to X place.

Remember Daggerfall? If you didn't know the game, you would never get past the first dungeon.

Remeber Arena? Another dungeon!


Really, Skyrim is the game with the most exciting start.


That said, TES games might be a little had to get into. I remember struggling when playing Daggerfall, since I didn't understand the concept. Heck, even after playing countless houres of Daggerfall I struggled to play Morrowind. It went a little better in Oblivion, since it is more friendly to the linear gameplay that most games got. The same can be said for SKyrim. You actually get a marker where you need to go, and can generally choose to ignore every dialoug and just head to your destination.


I really, really, find it hard that people get bored before Whiterun. I spent at least 40 minutes just watching the world before even heading to Riverwood. I got starstruck when I noticed the water, and it acually dragged me downriver. I noticed the animations were tenfolds better than in Oblivion. Really, I didn't start to find bad things about the game before I hit 40ish and noticed some real bad flaws.


So, if you can't see the fun in Skyrim by 20 minutes I suggest getting to Whiterun and keep going on the main quest. Perhaps Alduin and dragons wil be interesting enough?

Otherwise, TES games are not for you.

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I struggle to find how people find SKyrim boring, after playing the other TES games. The game starts with the best intor in ages, and throw you right into the fire.

Remember Oblivion? Damn dungeon crawl that was nothing but boring.

Remember Morrowind? You simply start with nothing to go with, exept a guy telling you to piss off to X place.

Remember Daggerfall? If you didn't know the game, you would never get past the first dungeon.

Remeber Arena? Another dungeon!



I didn't play Arena or Daggerfall, but how is this beginning so different from Oblivion's?


You're a prisoner - check

Something happens, leading to your escape - check

You move through dungeons to get to freedom - check


When I first found me on that cart, I kept thinking, not again a prisoner.

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I didn't play Arena or Daggerfall, but how is this beginning so different from Oblivion's?


You're a prisoner - check

Something happens, leading to your escape - check

You move through dungeons to get to freedom - check


When I first found me on that cart, I kept thinking, not again a prisoner.

It's a lot more exciting and action packed then the previous tutorial levels.


I'd gladly go through Skyrim's intro again, but Oblivion's, Daggerfall's and Arena's were just plain boring and too slow paced.

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It's a lot more exciting and action packed then the previous tutorial levels.



Can't say I felt that way. Mainly because I was sure my character is immortal through that dragon attack anyway. And knowing Elder Scroll games, I tried as fast as I could to get to the point where I have real control over my PC.


Thinking back to Morrowind, yes, it was a little boring. But I didn't see that much of an improvement. Neither with Oblivion nor with Skyrim. And I didn't expect it at that stage. The tutorial is always something on the get it over lines.

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Mainly because I was sure my character is immortal through that dragon attack anyway.


You're not. At points Alduin is freed from script to do normal dragon things. At which point he can, if he picks you out of the dozens of targets available, strafe your complacent ass with fire. He's almost killed me like that before, and a few times I've run into the fort because I saw him coming straight for me after I stood around watching.

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I think Skyrim is a lot more like an "ego shooter" than the previous ESs, it's entire dumbed downed skills, equipment and spell system is proof of that. The only thing Skyrim has more of is eye-candy graphics. Daggerfall trapped you in a cave, Morrowind let you off a prison boat, Oblivion let you rot in a cage, Skyrim sent you to the headsman's block. If that's not rehash, .. nothing is.
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Thanks for the input guys. I'm gonna give it another go today and I feel quite excited about it based on some of your ideas.


I did try the whole wandering thing before but I always ran into some monster that pwned me so I assumed it was a level thing and I had to stay more on track.


I favourite game is Fallout 3 and am currently playing Fallout New Vegas and I do RP in those. I usually play the good guy though. If I do bad deeds I play away for a little while and cant get it out of my mind and it makes me sad so I have to go back and do it properly. I'm so soft like that. My current play through is the first time I've really gone at being a bad guy and I'm quite enjoying it.


I think my main problem is that a lot of the dialogue is quite boring but with Fallout its broken up by going out and head-shotting some bad guys to vent. When you get back your fresh for more chat. I don't really get drawn in by the combat. It's really just wild swinging until someone's arm falls off.


Like I said. I'm gonna try fresh today and see what I come up with :D

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