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Looking for expansive mods


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I am new to NMM. I tried getting it to work before but it wasnt working. Got a new computer so I want to try again. I was hoping to find some expansive mods that drastically change the game like I have seen for other games but I can't seem to find packs or anything for skyrim. I googled and they said they tend not to be great due to people just clumping up mods togeather without permission most the time. While some of them often being out dated. So I figured I would just get some expansive mods. Not sure how to find them though.


What am I looking for?


Basically I want more roaming bandits and stuff like that. I remember seeing it in a video a long time ago.

More Armors and smithing and stuff along those lines. Along with a smelting mod (saw that one on the steam workshop).

Good graphics and effects that you dont need a titan for.

More spells and weapons.

More late game content.

More customizability.


Stuff like that. Any help would be great. Or advice on how to search through the site easier for what you are looking for.

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