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Any place to get unique/quality mods not found on Nexus?


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If this question is even OK to ask here. I don't see why not but if not sorry. Anyway I've done some searching and all I've come up with is Loverslab but I'm not into that particular category of mods. So just curious if there are any particular sites or even just particular mods that are worth a download on other sites.


by the way I mean Skyrim SE mods in particular.

Edited by xjpattonx
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There are a few blogs/personal websites and such (e.g. AlienSlof's own website, and Halofarm's blog has the largest collection of pose mods around), but the majority of mods are hosted here. Elsewhere you're likely to find stolen or non-English copies of mods. For the Steam Workshop or Bethesda.net I can't really say as I don't use either site, but as far as I'm aware, both 'official' places contain either what's on Nexus, or what isn't allowed on Nexus (stolen stuff), or mods by those who hate the Nexus/its admin for some reason and/or got banned from here.

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