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We all have our little way of getting rid of hiccups, but do any know the best way? Bob, please explain. ( I have recently afflicted Newt with hiccups, so he will try out each solution himself. )


There you have it.



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I always started chugging a large glass of water whenever I felt a hiccup coming on. WARNING!!!!!!!! Don't try this around anything electrical, you might end-up spitting all over it(happened to me before :wallbash: ).


P.S. As a side note, wouldn't this topic be more at home in the "Off topic" section of the forums???

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Get a glass of water. Then find some pure magnesium (because I'm sure you have some of that laying around) Drop the magnesium in the glass of water.



The magnesium will react violently with the water, and the following chemical reaction will occur:

H2O + Mg = H2 + MgO

The magnesium will light up like a fallen star, and if he didn't take grade 9 chemistry, it'll scare the crap out of him, as well as the hiccups!



I guarantee it'll cure the hiccups. If you don't have any magnesium, try pure potassium, it works even better.......

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I read that! I might try it on Bob though. Anyway, wouldn't cesium or fancium work better still? :devil: And Chesto, your right, he does get to much air.
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