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Should I bother with making a green screen studio within the Creation Kit?


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So far having issues with turning a whole interior cell into green.

Have a 512x512 green texture on copy of the eastempire sign. Can be scaled easily to x10. Has no collision (can be walked through). Will make a large 'warehouse'.

The thing is, any modder could easily do this and it can only really be used in the kit itself. I could make different plausible sets (ex. A late night variety show set, or a news room), but the thing I'm going to research is how to make a customizable greenscreen in game... I once turned a helmet into a 2d picture that used every body slot. It was like a large bobbing photo that clipped into the ground and turned with every headtrack.

Is it possible to turn a building-sized static object into a havoked/placeable object that you can put in your pocket?

Edited by templeofninpo
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