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Looking for mods


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The mods in the SE area of Nexus that have been ported over by their original authors work well, but you have to be on the lookout for conflicts and patches needed. Read each mod that interests you carefully.


As for suggestions, a good way to sort the mods offered is by number of endorsements. The top 100 is a good place to start.


Remember that later this Spring we will be getting SKSE and SkyUI ported over. A LOT of mods will be re-issued by their authors to take advantage of the functions of these mods (MCM menus, for example.) I would highly recommend replacing your mod list a few months afterwards when the newer, upgraded mods become available.

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Are you already using loot, wrye bash, and SSEedit? If not, take the time to peruse some youtube (or in-description) tutorial videos. They will help immensely. LOOT will sort your load order to avoid a lot of conflicts. Wrye bash is a very good load order tool, and can create patches to merge leveled lists for you. If need be, you can then use SSE edit to edit the patch, or one of the involved mods (always keep backup copies in another directory) or even edit the mod directly, if you have to. (Your backup copy remains untouched, just in case)

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