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fallout 4 "untriggered quest" quest, request


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sorry for my bad english ( and silly title ),

i like to make quest to track all unique quest ( not radian quest ) in fallout 4,

for now just called that quest UQ ( untrigger quest ),

the UQ quest is simple,

like "talk to Sturges" to trigger "Sanctuary" quest,


if the quest has untrigger,

UQ will guide you to trigger( talk to the npc, or go to area, etc ) that untrigger quest,


if the quest has trigger or finished,

set that UQ completed,


example :

if you not yet started "Returning the Favor"( Abernathy farm ),

there will a UQ quest to talk to "Blake Abernathy",

the massage "talk to Blake Abernathy to trigger Returning the Favor quest"


if that quest has started,

the UQ of that quest will set as finished ( quest complete ),


i know the UQ will take time to track all quest,

so the modder will refuse this quest,

because of that i like to make it,

but my skill not that good,


in that condition,

can someone teach me to make the quest?

i only need 1 sample, the rest is easy if i know how to do it,

a minutes video or some jpgs will help


note : for the info about "quest stages" i can get it from wikia pages


thanks for reading,

have a nice day.

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So you want something like a new section like the miscellaneous section in your PIPboy which shows the not yet triggered quests and where/how to start em?

i dont know about "miscellaneous section in your PIPboy",

if you talk about "misc quest", yes it is,

just like "talk to Sturges" to trigger "Sanctuary" quest,

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why not holotape?


what i want is,

create simple quest to trigger unstarted quest(s),

like "talk to Sturges" to trigger "Sanctuary" quest,

because my skill is so poor, i cant even make the simplest quest,


and yes i have search in youtube how to create quest,

but their quest example is too complicated with too many parameter,


i dont know about "holotape things.

- if that holotate just log ( view quest stat ) ,


- that holotape to trigger unstarterd quest.,

(both of them i not understant how to make it)


anyway, thank for reply,

sorry again for my bad english

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