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The Economy Mod- Become a Capitalist Pig


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Why not take this to it's logical conclusion and say let's call it Skyrim.Life where you start as an immigrant from Hammerfell coming to Skyrim to start anew...you have to find employment, save some coin, when you have enough, put it in a bank, save a little more to buy a home, etc...? I'm not a modder, but I'd be willing to help with more brilliant ideas and such :D Edited by everynameistook
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Currently structured:


Main branch will be at solitude (currently a placeholder exterior). Instantiating BankAccounts (account ledgers) as book references that go into a player inaccessible chest. The player gets another book item that serves as the bank statement.


Players can deposit (savings), borrow (loans w/ duration) or both. My hope in the future is to have NPC merchants also Keep their ledgers at the bank - should work as the script is totally general. Branches will be throughout Skyrim and can all access the common ledger (magicka? I don't know).

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Implement CommodityAccounts to buy/sell commodities (iron ores, grains, soul gems, etc)

Have NPCs use CommodityAccounts to trade (smiths sell weapons and buy iron ingots, for example)


Much later:


Trade caravans generated to fulfill CommodityAccount orders.

More complex business transactions (contracts, futures, derivatives)

More stuff!


At this rate, this project will never be actually done. I'll have fun modding for the next year.

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  On 2/10/2012 at 7:51 AM, jimhsu said:

Initial release: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8666


Simply can't work on this anymore now, 10 hours of coding today. Deposit and withdrawal functions are all in. Interest is not yet.


Fascinating stuff! I can't wait to try out the Skyrim Trade Guild. It will give me SOMETHING to do with my money. This is a big problem in Skyrim, not enough to spend money on. Is there any work you know of to adjust the costs/rewards of everything in the game? It should be a lot more work to earn money for a house. I want it to be worthwile to work the fields for an afternoon in order to pay for dinner and a room at the inn for the night. I've seen a few small mods that adjust prices for this or that, but I'd like to see a general overhaul of item and service values.


Some of the mods I've seen increase fast travel costs, rooms @ the inn, but not much else. I really like the idea I read earlier in this thread about having to pay out in order to keep your house in running order. It forces you to go adventuring to pay the bills! Niiiiice... :tongue:

Edited by amckimm
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