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Which Sci-Fi Novel or TV series would you like to see in FO4?


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All of those sound great to me but as a PC player, the last thing I'd want is to see someone take those excellent concepts and try to jam them into some kind of coherency with a 10-15 year old game engine that makes Fallout 4 playable only by the smallest possible number of people with bucks to spend on a new machine. If you're going to do some of my favorite Science Fiction in a computer game format for God's sake make it a format that more people can use and do NOT make it for the consoles and then do a totally trashed port to PC.


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Someone made the mod I was going to do. Thank God. Because they did it much better than I could have! My next idea is to try something in Space. Perhaps some kind of quest that takes you to a planet or another dimension that lets you discover some ancient mystery pertaining to Human existence or something. And no. I don"t mean something like Alien.


Although, finding the wreckage of an Alien ship with "monsters" does sound like a lot of fun!! One of the things missing in FO4 imo.- not scary enough. I think most people can agree a good fright- once in awhile- is great!


Or finding elements of "Heavy Metal" in space. That would be Puuurrrfect. :D

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I would absolutely love to see a Matrix injunction of Skyrim and FO4. That's how I justify using the same character over and over anyway, lol

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Life After People. It's kind of sci fi. I want to see giant old growth trees, growing eveen faster because of raidation, the Glowing Sea turned into a vibrant, irraded and deadly forrest where crafting plants like Hubflower and such are everywhere, I want to see elephants who especaed from zoos, wild horses, herds of cattle, one headed or two, real deer, bobcats.

Or how about just more Fallout? Add in block flower and Xander Root, more weapons from Fallout 1-3 and New Vegas. I wouldn't mind seeing the Fallout 3 laser pistols again or a Sierra Madre like Vending machine that that can make anything needed. Or how about a fascility that made GECKS that you can refurbish and terraform the Commonwlath, one settlement at a time?

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If I had to pick one, I'd go for more sci-fi/fantasy. Something like Simon R. Greens nightside. For those that haven't read it, think of it as a mash up of everything from Aliens to Demons set in an alternative London. It'd just be neat running into a wizard fighting a robo-brain, while some some aliens take bets on who will win.

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If I had to pick one, I'd go for more sci-fi/fantasy. Something like Simon R. Greens nightside. For those that haven't read it, think of it as a mash up of everything from Aliens to Demons set in an alternative London. It'd just be neat running into a wizard fighting a robo-brain, while some some aliens take bets on who will win.


I think that would be a fun idea! But, people don't seem to want magic or fantasy elements in their FO4. To much like Skyrim they argue. I wouldn't mind seeing Demons or Ghosts though. :geek: :smile:

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If I had to pick one, I'd go for more sci-fi/fantasy. Something like Simon R. Greens nightside. For those that haven't read it, think of it as a mash up of everything from Aliens to Demons set in an alternative London. It'd just be neat running into a wizard fighting a robo-brain, while some some aliens take bets on who will win.


I think that would be a fun idea! But, people don't seem to want magic or fantasy elements in their FO4. To much like Skyrim they argue. I wouldn't mind seeing Demons or Ghosts though. :geek: :smile:


That I don't get. The only thing Fallout 4 does right is it's Lovecraftian stuff. Moreover, the supernatural has always been a part of Fallout, from the Ghost in the Den to the Kribiveh in Point Lookout to Cabot House (the one truly great quest in the game). It should be a more How Unscientific thing (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HowUnscientific), instead of an UnMasked World thing where everything changes. It should be unnerving but not world altering. A good example of this the Fallout 3 mod Devil's Wish http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/18572/? or the Puzzle Box from Busworld. It doesn't change a thing about how Fallout 3 normally operates, so the effect is very, very unsettling. As it should be.

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The Moon is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein. A self aware computer. A revolt against Earth from the Moon. Throwing rocks down the Gravity Well.


Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. A different take on post-apocalyptic survival.


Damnation Alley by Roger Zelazny. Yet another view of post-apocalyptia.


West of Eden by Harry Harrison. Evolution took a left turn somewhere.


The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov. R. Daneel Olivaw and Lije Baley. Crime solving in the stars. The Three laws re-examined.


Dune by Frank Herbert. War, spice and betrayal among the stars.

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