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How to request mods for PS4


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@Danstronghammer Sony only accepts mods created with vanilla and official DLC from Fallout 4...it's one of the reason lot of mods here can't be add to PS4 game and Bethesda doesn't allow some content too on Bethesda.net Sony isn't the only one to be boring. And it's a pity ( i play too on console most of the time)

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Well, you can't have a fantasy epic without some good old fashioned damsels in distress.


What i was after was something to bring in proper damsels in distress, for example, adding a woman tied to a post and gagged to all the dragon lairs, left their by superstitious locals as some sort of sacrifice in an effort to stop the dragon attacking their village / settlement.


The hero comes riding in, slays the dragon and rescues the damsel.


Also, finding damsels tied and gagged in random locations / dungeons / caves etc, who've been kidnapped and held to ransom by bandits, evil mage cults, vampires cults etc. But more of a random encouter.


Again, the hero comes along, slays the bad guys and rescues the damsel.


I know there are radiant "rescue mission" quests, but they are a bit boring. Perhaps having randomly spawning side quests, where a concerned local asks you to rescue someone, but make it a bit more interesting than the existing radiant quests.


I'm aware of the limitations imposed by sony, but, (correct me if i'm wrong) i think there is enough content that exists in the vanilla game to make this work.


Let me know what you think

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