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Need help debugging my crashes


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I'm running Morrowind with quite a few mods installed, and I'd like some help finding out what's causing me to crash after an hour or less of play. The last two times I crashed, it was when I cast a spell, and when I killed a cliff racer. Both of which happened after many previously successful casts/kills.


My warnings.txt doesn't show anything except missing foot parts from Better Clothes, which I'm told shouldn't hurt anything.


I'm already using Code Patch, EXE Optimizer, FPS Optimizer, MGE, and Mlox.


I've got the Steam version, and am running XP.


What should I try doing next? My load order's posted below; a good half of it is from the Morrowind Graphics Overhaul.


Masters for Stella60000.ess:
001  Morrowind.esm
002  Tribunal.esm
003  Bloodmoon.esm
004  Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm
005  Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
006  Poorly Placed Object Fix  1.2.esm
007  Texture Fix 2.0.esm
008  Sea-of-Destiny.esm
009  Wizards' Islands - Scourge of the Frost Bringer.esm  (Version 1.0)
010  GDR_MasterFile.esm
011  MW_Children_1_0.esm
012  BT_Whitewolf_2_0.esm
013  Rise of House Telvanni.esm
014  Pocket Pals Skill Base.esm
015  Pocket Pals - Names!.esm
016  MW_CultOfTheClouds_v10.esp
017  LGNPC_NoLore_v0_83.esp  (Version 0.83)
018  Flee AI Tweaks.esp
019  Lgnpc_SN.esp  (Version 0.31)
020  Theurgist.esp
021  Moons_Spawn_V1.3.3_Non_Patched.esp
022  Pocket Pals - Mostly Mammals!.esp
023  Pocket Pals - Undead Alive! Tribunal and Bloodmoon.esp
024  Pocket Pals - Kwama Queendom!.esp
025  Illuminated Order v1.0.esp
026  Pocket Pals - Ash Clan!.esp
027  Pocket Pals - Sea and Sky!.esp
028  Pocket Pals - Bloodmoon Knights!.esp
029  Pocket Pals - Pocket Gods!.esp
030  Pocket Pals - Deadly Daedra!.esp
031  Pocket Pals - Mournhold Mayhem!.esp
032  Pocket Pals - Dwemer Mechs!.esp
033  Illuminated Order v1.0 - Bloodmoon Compatibility Extras.esp
034  MultiMark.esp
035  MultiMark_TribunalPlugin.esp
036  MultiMark_BloodmoonPlugin.esp
037  MournholdMagesGuild10CleanFinal.esp
038  SirLuthor-Tools.esp
039  Unique Banners and Signs.esp
040  Windows Glow.esp
041  TRIB_witchgirladvent1.esp
042  sodpatch1.esp
043  Nudity Greeting Expansion V1.esp
044  Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
045  The Magicka Amulet.esp
046  The Magicka Spell.esp
047  Dagger of Symmachus.esp
048  Barabus' fireplaces 2.esp
049  DB_Attack_Mod.esp
050  SoD Frost Fall.esp
051  Madd Leveler - Base.esp
052  Madd Leveler - Spell Effects.esp
053  Madd Leveler - Madd Caps.esp
054  Mage-Thieves.esp
055  abotWindowsGlow.esp  (Version 1.1)
056  Statue Replacer - Normal.esp
057  bones.esp
058  _Legends_of_Ydumea_v2.esp
059  Shieldfx.esp
060  Amulet of Scrye.esp
061  Blight Bounties.esp
062  OR_Fang.esp
063  OR_ForkH.esp
064  AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp
065  master_index.esp
066  Minerals.esp
067  Minerals (Tribunal&Bloodmoon).esp
068  DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp
069  Clean Magus Realm Tower V2.esp
070  Book Jackets - Morrowind.esp
071  Pocket Dimensional Home 1.7.esp
072  Seraphs - Water.esp
073  Ascadian_Rose_Cottage_ver1.0.esp
074  Book Jackets - Tribunal.esp
075  BB_Clothiers_of_Vvardenfell_v1.1.esp
076  The Hidden Pathway 2.0.esp
077  Book Jackets - Bloodmoon.esp
078  HUB v1.0.esp
079  Xenterra_Keep_v1.esp
080  NewBlood_MwTbBm1.1.esp
081  Muffinwind.esp
082  Clean Granny Claus' Christmas Gifts.esp
083  Christmas At Lokken.esp
084  Princess Pocket Homes.esp
085  Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
086  Cleaned_Pearl_Palace_v1.esp
087  BetterClothesForTB.esp
088  correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
089  KS_Julan_Ashlander Companion_1.3.esp  (Version 1.3)
090  frostmoth_repaired_v0_31.esp
091  Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
092  ExcellentMagicSounds.esp
093  almalexia armor.esp
094  Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp
095  SpellFix_No-WGI.esp
096  The_Tylwyth.esp
097  Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp
098  Museum of Artifacts Improved Expanded.esp
099  Less_Generic_Bloodmoon.esp  (Version 1.2)
100  LGNPC_GnaarMok_v1_20.esp  (Version 1.20)
101  LGNPC_AldVelothi_v1_20.esp  (Version 1.20)
102  UAR_EbonySarano_v2.esp
103  Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp
104  WA_Signy_Signposts(!).ESP
105  Creatures.esp
106  Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
107  DN-GDRv1.esp
108  LGNPC_MaarGan_v1_20.esp  (Version 1.20)
109  LGNPC_HlaOad_v1_32.esp  (Version 1.32)
110  New Veloth's Judgement 2.esp
111  The Neverhalls.esp
112  Better Skulls.ESP
113  LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_20.esp  (Version 1.20)
114  LGNPC_Aldruhn_v1_22_suppl.esp
115  LGNPC_Pelagiad_v1_31.esp  (Version 1.31)
116  kiasyd_magick_regenerator_1.4.esp
117  LGNPC_TelMora_v1_30.esp  (Version 1.30)
118  LGNPC_Khuul_v2_21.esp  (Version 2.21)
119  LGNPC_VivecFQ_v2_20.esp  (Version 2.20)
120  Less_Generic_Nerevarine.esp  (Version 1.21)
121  UAR_ChodalaBoots.esp
122  SNR_ThievesStep_Standart.esp
123  Bloated Caves.esp
124  Graphic Herbalism.esp
125  MA_snowprincetomb_v3.esp
126  LGNPC_TelUvirith_v1_20.esp  (Version 1.20)
127  LGNPC_SecretMasters_v1_30.esp  (Version 1.30)
128  LGNPC_IndarysManor_v1_51.esp  (Version 1.51)
129  More Better Clothes.ESP
130  Golden Gold.esp
131  CoM_Fix.ESP
132  Animated Morrowind.esp
133  Better Propylons MI.ESP
134  New Voices.esp
135  Oread Race.esp
136  The Imperial Legion Badge.esp
137  Keyring.esp
138  Sleepers, Awake!.esp  (Version 1.1)
139  guarskin_drum_replacer.esp
140  fkoa.esp
141  LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp
142  UniqueFinery.esp
143  UF_HortRobeF001.esp
144  Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.esp
145  QOTW Season One.ESP
146  QOTW Season Two.ESP
147  New Bodies - Mature.esp
148  Madd Leveler - Madd Skills.esp
149  Madd Leveler - Quest Cap Remover.esp
150  Madd Leveler - Vampire Cap Remover.esp
151  Madd Leveler - Werewolf Cap Remover.esp
152  Madd Leveler - Illuminated Order Fix.esp
153  LGNPC_VivecRedoran_v1_61.esp  (Version 1.60)
154  LGNPC_SoulSicknessPatch_v1_00.esp  (Version 1.00)
155  Wizard's Study v2.esp
156  Armor Bonus Compilation 1.0.esp
157  Uvirith's Legacy_Final_2.0.esp
158  Keening_Reforged_v2.0_GDR.ESP
159  Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
160  True_Lights_And_Darkness_1.0-NoDaylight.esp
161  OTR_Coast_Variety.esp
162  sm_ForgottenHalls.esp
163  Elemental Magicka 1.0.esp
164  Better_Sounds.esp
165  Uvirith's Legacy Book Jackets Add-on.esp
166  RoHT CoM Addon.esp
167  UL v2.0 RoHT v1.52 Compatibility.esp
168  Wizards' Islands Super Patch.esp
169  Clean MCFC_1.0.esp
170  MTC.esp
171  imperial chain fix.esp
172  Uvirith's Legacy CoM Add-on.esp
173  MTC-CoMaddon.esp
174  RAMF_Mer.esp
175  Psy_IronMeshImprove_Uniques_BME.esp
176  Vurt's Grazelands Trees.esp
177  Less_Generic_Tribunal.esp
178  UL_MWSE_patch.esp
179  BirthsignsAMFun_BM.esp
180  UAR_Bloodworm_v2.esp
181  The Holiday Mod.esp
182  Mysterious_Wizard.esp
183  Mashed Lists.esp

Edited by banjo2E
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  On 1/17/2012 at 12:42 AM, Themisive said:

All can say is NOT use the Steam version; I've seen a lot of problems with game.the game "Morrowiind GOTY". it has allof the various add-ons,but is pactched up to dare.


Um...sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. I've got the Steam version of Morrowind, which comes exclusively in the GOTY edition.

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Morrowind is an innately crash-y game. I don't think your crashes are because of your mods so much as it crashes because sometimes that's what Morrowind does.


I think what happens is that the game engine gets bogged down in data after so long of play and just can't handle it. In my experience all games crash randomly for seemingly no reason.


All I can say is save often and don't use quick save or auto save as they make your files vulnerable to data corruption. Actually make real saves and keep multiple saves of each character. I save every few minutes and definitely right before going into caves or tombs or other areas. Save before you go outside, save before you go inside a door. If you have time and know you will imminently be engaging in combat, save! Save before talking to an NPC to get a quest. Save after you get a quest. I typically save every 5 minutes or less. Yeah, it's a pain in the butt but doing that has saved me a lot of lost play time and headaches in the long run.


Incidentally, I've heard of people who have had problems with crashiness with the multi-mark mod so make sure you save before using a mark/recall sequence just in case. I don't know if that might be causing all your crashes (I doubt it) but when using mark/recall, it might not be a bad idea to save. I don't use multi-mark mod and I save before using either spell anyway.


I hope this helps. Good luck.

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  On 1/17/2012 at 4:29 PM, Denina said:

Morrowind is an innately crash-y game. I don't think your crashes are because of your mods so much as it crashes because sometimes that's what Morrowind does.


I think what happens is that the game engine gets bogged down in data after so long of play and just can't handle it. In my experience all games crash randomly for seemingly no reason.


All I can say is save often and don't use quick save or auto save as they make your files vulnerable to data corruption. Actually make real saves and keep multiple saves of each character. I save every few minutes and definitely right before going into caves or tombs or other areas. Save before you go outside, save before you go inside a door. If you have time and know you will imminently be engaging in combat, save! Save before talking to an NPC to get a quest. Save after you get a quest. I typically save every 5 minutes or less. Yeah, it's a pain in the butt but doing that has saved me a lot of lost play time and headaches in the long run.


Incidentally, I've heard of people who have had problems with crashiness with the multi-mark mod so make sure you save before using a mark/recall sequence just in case. I don't know if that might be causing all your crashes (I doubt it) but when using mark/recall, it might not be a bad idea to save. I don't use multi-mark mod and I save before using either spell anyway.


I hope this helps. Good luck.


Well, I kinda figured as much, given that Oblivion and FO3 are also crashy as all hell (Bethesda, y u no bugfix?) but I've read about people being able to pay for multiple hours on end, and I was hoping to be able to do that. Still, I do appreciate your advice, and plan on making a save file or two specially titled sfor saving before combat and other similar situations. Not within talking range of any NPCs, though, last time I did that I lost an hour of progress due to save corruption.

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