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[LE] Question about a modders resource


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"It's funny how some people always have an excuse originated in other people for their own flaws and non-doings. Life must be pretty pink that way."

What funny, is how it's always the same people/person chiming in with wouldn't you know it the completely opposite view point.


If was to upload a resource file to a public board and call it a resource file for modders to use. I have completely given up all my legal rights to it.

If it was ever to go to court you wouldn't have a leg to stand on at all. But, that isn't the point here ... On this site it has been made clear you are to get permission not matter what. So, that is the end of it ... That overrides anything ... as far as here. Clearly the site does not want to get involved in any type of legal matters and has blanket covered the subject. What I said legally was the absolute truth. But, that does not apply here as far as uploading mod using a resource from here. On this site we are all bound to the rules of this site and that is one of the rules ...

Edited by NexusComa
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If was to upload a resource file to a public board and call it a resource file for modders to use. I have completely given up all my legal rights to it.

If it was ever to go to court you wouldn't have a leg to stand on at all.

that is not true. if i released a public resource and it was used in something i disagree with i have the legal authority to tell them they cant use it.



On this site it has been made clear you are to get permission not matter what. So, that is the end of it ... That overrides anything ... as far as here.

because that is how copyright protection works. just because it is free does not mean you have open access to it. just because it is a resource does not mean you have open access to do whatever you want. you dont own the IP.

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How surpising my dear friend, you thinking you have the absolute truth and unable to admit you are wrong, which you are. May recomend getting down from your unicorn and googleing the matter? you might be surprised by what you find.
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How surpising my dear friend, you thinking you have the absolute truth and unable to admit you are wrong, which you are. May recomend getting down from your unicorn and googleing the matter? you might be surprised by what you find.

who me?

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No me, this guy follows me around acting like a kid always looking for a reason to disagree with anything I say like some kind of childish troll.

He thinks this is a cute little game where stalking a poster is funny. However I've been a game programmer all my life and know a bit more

about these kinds of things then some random google opinion. If you look hard enough on google you can find 20 different points of view.

Next he will be telling us the world is flat had he has proof. I've actually seen some of these things go to court and know full well the outcome.


I've said repeatedly this site wants you to ask permission. You would think that would be the end of it. But not to this guy he can't resist one

more poke ... It's absolutely ridiculous. Somewhere in his mind I'm sure his snowflake mentality feels he is witty. I think it's a joke. Sadly

we not just me have to put up with his childish antics and trolling ...


As for admitting I'm wrong it really don't matter what I think or him ... the site wants you to ask permission ... that is it end of store.

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Not at all you, qwertyzeldar, sorry if it sounded that way. It indeed was directed at this toxic troll that goes around spreading nonsense and insults to boost his already inflated ego.

I merely came to thread to voice Nexuscoma was, and is, wrong as others had done already, and to clarify the matter to the OP. Dude (nexuscoma), you are not the center of the world, admit your mistakes and save your insults for someone who isn't bored of you already. You can save everyone from reading your rebuttal and keep some dignity.

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What does this "Funny how the same people or should I say accounts always seem to comment with you ..." mean? do you seriously think i have multiple accounts? Who exactly is supposed to be my double?, lofgren? out of curiosity truly.


Now seriously, you are wrong again but careful there, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. It is after all you and phantomfally the only two users who have an irrational hate towards me, one of them starting out of thin air after arguing with the other. It is you two the only ones who have said the exactly same massively odd argument of not becoming premium because of my toxicity among others. It is you two who have identical personality. And it is you who have just mentioned that, there's a saying in Spain that could be translated to "The thief thinks everyone is like him". So, be careful not to say too much, it could backfire.

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Ah okay. I was a bit confused becauseci have actually done extensive research into copyright laws. Yeah Nexuscoma... Seriously claiming you're a game dev doesnt make you an expert. Why? You havent proven it, you havent specified your primary role in the field, you dont appear to understand how copyright works, and i have never seen you admit being wrong you just stop posting when you lose.


The possibility i and/or lofgren are FrankFamily is laughable. You can see that based on our posts alone.

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