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Classic - CBBE Racemenu sliders/ overlays not working


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I have a slew of mods, and even when I disable mods etc, I still run into the problem im not sure how to fix

When I start a new game it shows an error that some mods are not compatible with racemenu (i never see symptoms out of game or in LOOT, just in game) and when I make a female PC, the sliders do not change breast sIze etc. Im just stuck with the vanilla body.

I also downloaded some tattoo mods, and I cannot access the overlays for the life of me. It is like the option doesn't exist :/

Any idea on how I can fix this? :/

I have xp32 and the extended

Showracemenu and ece are turned off

diamonized unp for cbbe

sg female textures

bodyslide tho Im not sure how to use it

I move things around to resolve overwrites but s#*! wont work

I am fairly new to modding

EDIT: The error message says:

Racemenu errors: Invalid chargen plugin detected (4) expected (6) invalid chargen script version detected (2) expected (4) Error codes (8)(10)

EDIT 2: The error message I fixed, the creation sliders I have not


I went into bodyslide based off advice and "built meshes"
It made the sliders work, but they are not working well. Everything looks off, and in the past when I used to mod a year or 2 ago I never had that problem. The overlays still do not function

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"I have xp32 and the extended"

I hope you mean just XPMSE. Kind of redundant to have XPMS and XPMSE. XPMS is outdated and will just cause issues.


"diamonized(sic) unp for cbbe"

No such thing. It's UNP or CBBE. Not both.


For overlays, pretty sure there was an extra plugin with RaceMenu you had to activate. I've never used this option so you'll have to read the RaceMenu page to check.

For RaceMenu Morphs, as it says on the BodySlide page, you need to install CBBE, then use BodySlide to generate RM Morphs-compatible meshes. See my walkthrough in that page's stickies for how.

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its been a slough

What thread is your walkthrough in? "That page" I checked the nexus page for bodyslide and didn't see it, nor it troubleshooting or mod talk.

I never could understand bodyslider at all, it confuses the absolute f*** out of me.

Edited by KingGorilla666
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i skimmed this thread but you need bodyslide compatible clothes. for example, if you use uunp bodyslide hdt like i do the ranger's something armor allows you to use racemenu morphs. (you have to re-equip the armor afterwards though bc the texture gets messed up)

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^ Nope, not what he's asking, and if he wants BodySlide (not UUNP, as he doesn't use it) mods, he can go to the CBBE mod list.


TY <3

I also got some bodyslide stuff that m0 doesnt recognize

do I just put it straight into bodyslide's folders?

No idea, as I don't use MO/NMM, which is why I didn't answer. You would be better off checking the BodySlide page for info and/or posting a comment there so Ousnius can see it.

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