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Horrible Experience on Chat


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Basically I went on chat to ask a question about fallout 3 I guess I asked about three times so I did spam not intentionally but I barely even said anything and got kicked the moderator said he didn't have to give out any warnings and I should of read the rules which I did I tried again once more just for him to treat me like a child I read the rules and I don't need someone telling me multiple times would it kill you guys to at least give us a warning isn't the point to attract more people instead of driving them away I wonder how many people get kicked for something so small I've been on chat a few times in the past and its been close to the same horrible experience for me I just think you guys need to tone it down a notch and give us newbies a chance at least treat us like people and not like some annoyance I really don't like to complaining but this is getting ridiculous. Edited by Jenova23
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The chat is not a support line for questions about the game

Does that mean I cant ask a question, or ask for help? If its just a social thing I didn't know that and if it is the moderators are very rude regardless.

Edited by Jenova23
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Ask any question only once...if unanswered, there is the answer.


Best bet is to go to the Tech/Mod support forums if you don't get an immediate answer.


You could be getting your questions answered right now instead of creating a rant page. Just sayin...


Good Luck, happy gaming.



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Truth is that most people tend to use it as "I need help now", alias the hot support line, which is ultimately annoying.


On the other hand, another fact is that if you aren't known to "the locals", chances are you will be ignored no matter what you ask, say or try.

Edited by elvinkun
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Ask any question only once...if unanswered, there is the answer.


Best bet is to go to the Tech/Mod support forums if you don't get an immediate answer.


You could be getting your questions answered right now instead of creating a rant page. Just sayin...


Good Luck, happy gaming.

I already did that before the ranting here's the link NEW BODY MESH HELP! I wouldn't feel that I had say anything but this happens every time by the way you don't get results asking once.

Edited by Jenova23
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Does that mean I cant ask a question, or ask for help? If its just a social thing I didn't know that and if it is the moderators are very rude regardless.




Before you sign on:


Note: this is not a support chat. This is a general chat about anything and everything (within the rules) that our members want to talk about. If you ask troubleshooting questions here don't expect (or demand) an answer. Ask nicely and someone might answer you (if they know the answer) but don't expect an answer and don't continually repeat your question.


Your question would be better asked on the forums.

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I guess you missed this when you went into chat:



Note: this is not a support chat. This is a general chat about anything and everything (within the rules) that our members want to talk about. If you ask troubleshooting questions here don't expect (or demand) an answer. Ask nicely and someone might answer you (if they know the answer) but don't expect an answer and don't continually repeat your question.


Chat is fast paced, if no one answers you it is because they don't have the answer,d repeatedly posting the same thin will not get an answer. The sites have over 3 million members and there is what 30 to 40 in chat, chances are that no one is currently on that can answer you questions and you are better served using the forums.


Chat is for networking and instant communications among members, if someone has the answer to your question they will answer it, if not you will get no response.

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Most noobies don't have 187 posts, of which at least a few on the forum and have been around for over 3 years. So most people have at least a hunch of the ways around then.


It's written in red letters on the door every time you enter the chatroom, which should be a fair warning what's to come inside. It's a small selection of a large community inside there and there's a big chance none online has played same the mods or even the same game. As there could be up to 50 people in there at the same, there's little chance something complex as a problem could be conversed over either. It's just mostly regular chitty chat and that's why it's better to just ask things on the forum where several subforums can focus on different problems. Just give it some time, not everyone is online at the same time and the forum is view by at least 20/30 times more people than the chat.


Warnings are there to control the 500,000 people that visit daily and it hasn't even been a ban, give the moderators a break instead. :thumbsup:


/edit buddah just said that in a way better manner :turned:

Edited by Pronam
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Like everyone above me said, The chat is NOT a support chat. However everyone doesnt follow that rule and asks anyway.

in those situations, ask once and nexusmember MAY answer your question. if nobody replies, then dont spam your question. or start demanding.


However in your case, several people told you Ok what is your problem and YOU simply refused it or didn't saw their reaction. ( it can happen if people talk a lot)

So in small words, you spammed your question couple of times, and therefor kicked out of the chat because of spamming. IMO the moderators had the full right to do it.

So use the forums, and simply await a answer, or try google.



Friendly words :dance:

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