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I have spent the last few months reinvesting in the market and increasing my orders to 900.


This was prompted by the ship losses I had trying level 5 missions. I ended up with about 2 billion invested, and at one stage ran short of funds necessitating encashment of datacores. Have got my investment up to 14 billion, which is more reassuring.


Level 5s, by the way, were nerfed in Tyrannis, and thus my 3 months of preparation, training and investment went to waste. In fact I was left aimless, as I wanted to spend a while doing L5s, and every ship loss I had was invaluable experience. I am in fact left with a 1.5 billion T2 rigged passive Tengu which I do not want to sell, but have no use for.


My Alliance, in the meantime, was trudging along. The wormhole operation was continuing on a small scale, and nothing much else.


A war dec had made me take down the control tower I had left anchored in Caldari space. In fact the aggressors were masters at clearing up space for new POSs. They wardecced and ensured that the POS was unanchored, or went at it with 20 BSs and destroyed it. Nice business. As soon as one of my Alliance mates prize location POS was unanchored, the war dec was over.


Thus I was at a loose end. I have a long term goal in Eve of making a games corp, and decided I would make the corp now and spend the next year refining my ideas and games rules and completing the documentation. Plan to introduce capture-the-contract and tractor-can among other games. I think these have great potential for fun.


I was trying different corp names when a chat with my frined Bel convinced me to join his newely rejuvinated corp, The Watchmen of Corvus.


Thus I am in a new corp, and currently buying T1 frigates and modules (half the stuff in game) that are needed for the games. Have got a corp office 3 jumps from Jita, where I plan to have the playing fields. The games are likely to fail, but at least I will be able to say that I tried.

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Our fleet, attempting an L5, was massacred earlier today by a large and formidable force, the likes of which I had not experienced before :)


Our losses: 2 ravens, a scorp, a gila, a drake, 2 pods and a very expensive faction fitted tengu.


Amazing experience.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there,


I have been slowly reading this thread over the past few days at work and I must say I've enjoyed it very much.


You describe very well a rather impressive progression from when you first started out to where you are today, two quotes which illustrate the vast contrast between your early days and now are:


"In the meantime I upgraded my ship despite a number of poor decisions while trying to trade. I have been unable to sell even one item at profit yet. "




"I ended up with about 2 billion invested, and at one stage ran short of funds necessitating encashment of datacores. Have got my investment up to 14 billion, which is more reassuring."


I just started EVE a few days ago, and this thread has made me much more optimistic and given me the enthusiasm to drop the miners lifestyle and pursue much higher goals. For now though I will continue to haul ore until I can tailor my skills to something a little more productive. The second Minmatar industrial cargo ship I just acquired should help make financing expensive skills a little easier, getting over the daunting learning curve might require a bit more effort however ;)


This was a great read! Thanks :)



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Hey there,


I have been slowly reading this thread over the past few days at work and I must say I've enjoyed it very much.


You describe very well a rather impressive progression from when you first started out to where you are today, two quotes which illustrate the vast contrast between your early days and now are:


"In the meantime I upgraded my ship despite a number of poor decisions while trying to trade. I have been unable to sell even one item at profit yet. "




"I ended up with about 2 billion invested, and at one stage ran short of funds necessitating encashment of datacores. Have got my investment up to 14 billion, which is more reassuring."


I just started EVE a few days ago, and this thread has made me much more optimistic and given me the enthusiasm to drop the miners lifestyle and pursue much higher goals. For now though I will continue to haul ore until I can tailor my skills to something a little more productive. The second Minmatar industrial cargo ship I just acquired should help make financing expensive skills a little easier, getting over the daunting learning curve might require a bit more effort however ;)


This was a great read! Thanks :)



When I started eve I noticed the in-game notepad and started taking some notes. I mentioned this in a thread here at nexus, and Dark0ne made this eve forum and I started posting the log here.


Amazing that 2.5 years have passed! Also amazing that I still enjoy Eve as much as I did at the start. Though the first few weeks were special.


Am currently experimenting with account management. Got 5 accounts, and training multiple characters for different things. Maybe in a few years I'll off sell some of the characters...


Glad you enjoyed the account :) Best of luck with Eve. Let me know if I can be of any help in-game.

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My time with The Watchmen of Corvus came to a sad end.


I was the first person to join the corp, and helped Belrun Battlestar get it going. Soon as we had about 40 members, it appeared that Bel no longer wanted me. Took me a few days to realize this. I left as soon as I understood the reason for his strange behaviour.


This happened a month ago. I did not feel like talking about it. I felt used. Used, and discarded.


I generally have low expectations from people, and am rarely disappointed or perturbed by their behaviour or actions. Still, I had known Bel for a year and half. We had run countless missions together when we were Directors in Journey's End. I had tried to provide moral support when he was going through a rough patch with a death in his family and loss of job. I gave him advice on his love life. I thought of him as a friend.


Live and learn, as they say.


I took this opportunity to make the corp I had been thinking about: Games Inc.


I made the corp despite some tests I had conducted which indicated that my plans for Games Inc. were unrealistic. But I was not in the mood to join a new corp. Going to avoid social interaction for a while.


In the meantime my training for a Carrier is nearly complete. Not sure why I need a Carrier. I just noticed that I needed 20 days training to fly one- and here I am: a Carrier pilot :)

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Going on 7 months playing Eve. I'm taking a break from it right now and playing other games, while I skill up for hulk. But I'm going to get back into it after I do that. I have a fully faction fitted Maelstrom, hulk, and Tempest waiting for me when I finish the skills for the hulk. Combined for a resounding ISK total of 4 billion :D


I used to be a member of Mostly Harmless Alliance, and the Freelancers Inc. Corp, based out of Branch and Fade in Null. Now I hang out in caldari high/low sec space running missions and mining. I'm a member of TRiM, Tribal Inc. I spent a lot of my time in nullsec with the FINK dudes, I spent the whole summer in null mining and missioning in a beloved drake. Now I run Lvl 3 and 4 Missions. If anyone wants to hit me up for a friendly PvP match :P, or some PvE or indy ops, in game name is TehRoot. I've started reading this thread for the last couple of weeks, as a guest and a member now, and I've slowly startd adjusting my track to what you did, and I feel that I'll do very well in this game, great thread :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

My account management phase is set to get out of control. Am losing track of accounts and characters. The master plan involves opening 2 accounts a month. Not good for my sanity. Hopefully just a phase.


Unfortunately, I'm doing this immediately before the avatar upgrade, and will need to recreate all the characters soon :(


Some of my alts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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My account management phase is set to get out of control. Am losing track of accounts and characters. The master plan involves opening 2 accounts a month. Not good for my sanity. Hopefully just a phase.


Unfortunately, I'm doing this immediately before the avatar upgrade, and will need to recreate all the characters soon :(


Some of my alts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Sixteen characters? What on earth do you need all of them for?That must be costing you a fortune...

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Sixteen characters? What on earth do you need all of them for?That must be costing you a fortune...

These 16 are the ones I am training. There are more :)


I was seriously happy with one account when my brother left me his account to manage. I was paying via PLEX and suddenly paying for 2 accounts was a financial blow. It took me a couple of months to train skills on the new account to make it a relatively passive income earner.


By this time I had got used to switching between 2 windows, and enjoyed playing two characters at the same time. Role playing was difficult initially. Identity crises. Characters all mixed up. But the brain eventually coordinates the switching.


As I intend to play eve for a while. I thought I might as well open a few more accounts now, rather than later. Make them self sufficient, and then train other characters on the accounts for specific roles. May sell the characters eventually. I also activated a couple of trials I had started for fun a couple of years ago. Characters with older date of births may sell better, thus I have created many :)


In fact the way plex is currently heading, I may not persist with these accounts for long. Reactivate when sanity prevails.

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  • 3 months later...

Over the last few months I have turned Games Inc. into a large trading corporation operating in Caldari space. We have a small POS (currently offline) and an industrial base. But the vast majority of our operation revolves around freighting all the goods in New Eden to lucrative small markets and selling them at high profit margins. Sales are slow, but the sheer number (>3000) of market orders makes this highly profitable.


Am thinking of leaving the corp to a Director and moving on.


And yes. They again messed up my picture when I renewed my pilot's licence:



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