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Spacelane patrol is generally better - especially as you can do level 1-3 agents all in one system (Poinen). However, if you've ground Caldari Navy up already, no point wasting it all and starting again.


Just be careful not to get suicide ganked when running their level IVs :P


I suppose EUNI is a good target for war: easy kills with all the newbies smile.gif


And thats what a lot of people think. Or thought - weve proved everyone who acted on that thought very wrong indeed - the Typhoon kill I linked earlier is a good example - hed heard of our massive noob frig fleets, so he fit all WCS and smartbombs to prevent us tackling, and to blow up loads of us at once. Didn't work very well for him :P

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I needed a 3.1 standing for level 3 missions with Caldari Navy- and did a couple of missions with them to get it there. Now I have access to level 3 agents.


I checked Spacelane Patrol- and I can get level 2 agents with them - but my standing with them is 0.77 I believe.


The reason I got put off by missions earlier on was their repetitive nature, and the fact that my earlier attempts at level 3 missions ended in tears. I had found this level 3 agent at Anher, Metropolis- right next to low sec- and I ended up losing a Drake and a Raven. Even though the Raven (with 3xCCCs) I lost due to lag (which I later figured was a local problem- as my laptop had 2 MB free disk space). The Drake was probed out by 2 guys during a mission in Hagilur (0.4). I nearly got one of them, of which I am quite proud. They tried to sell me the item I needed to complete the mission for 10 million, and tried hard to convince me that the standings loss would doom me :)


Doing level 2s at the moment is not something I am in the mood for. What I think I'll do is to continue with level 3s with Caldari Navy - and after 2 or 3 months when I have trained my support skills- I'll do the Spacelane Patrol level 2s using frigates or something small to keep it challenging.


Am eagerly awaiting the next expansion- as

1. I will be able to queue up those support skills

2. Am reasonably ready for exploration

3. Am getting ready to do "epic arc" missions- which are sure to disappoint

4. 2500 new systems, especially if they are empire-side, will open up lots of new market/trade opportunities

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My friend Chandra told me strictly not to do any anti-gallente (or anti-amarr/min) missions, but to be honest I don't give a damn atm. He'll kill me if he finds out :)


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Exiting Jita with 250 mil ISK worth of goods. Sometimes I just hang around after un-docking to check the ships. One of the best shows in the Universe.





Hard at work converting the 250 million into a billion

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That screenshot was taken by mistake when I pressed PRT SC instead of DEL (right next to each other on this laptop). I'm selling these for just under 2 mil each in 0.0 -bought at 565k each from Jita- the sort of profit that'll turn 250 mil into a billion. Among hull upgrades Nanos do not sell as well as Expanded Cargo IIs which are about 710k each at Jita and sell in large amounts for just under 2 mil each in 0.0 and about 1.5 mil elsewhere.



The real money, though, is in the manufacture of all this stuff. where the margins are such on many items that you can sell in bulk at Jita and still make 100% to 400% profits.

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Well, the manufacturing is what I'm getting into atm :P


Just need to move these goddamn Garde Is, so I can recoup all the isk i spent on them - they shoulda been sold ages ago, but I had to put em up in kakakela because the Jita price plummeted... so they're not selling very fast. Until they do, I'm stuck with a mere 11mil isk. At least now I know why people say not to put your eggs all in one basket lol


Also, I believe I am now at war again. Not brilliant timing lol, but hey ho... I need to get hold of a mic, have another go at FCing :)

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Just need to move these goddamn Garde Is

What is Garde Is? Sounds like a disease.


Personally I think I will try and aim to manufacture items that I know move a lot: drones, expanded cargo IIs, ammo. At the moment I have more than 1.5 billion invested in the market- and have minerals worth about 500 million lying all over Lonetrek as I have one eye on the market and buy out any mineral in the region that is put up at a relatively low price. Currently I am also hovering around the 100 million mark cash due to all the re-investment in the market. I think I invested about 400 million in cloaking devices- which are not moving at all, among a number of other such items. In the long term though all these items will sell, so am not overly concerned.


And yes!! I managed to do my first solo level 4 mission yesterday. It went very smoothly, as I was paying a lot of attention to triggers, and thus could tank the damage. It took me ages to complete it though. I discovered this very cool looking ship - the Gallente destroyer- forget the name- which I have set up for salvaging afterwards. My (-18) agent is in Kakakela, which is convenient as I have been experimenting with manufacturing there. Moved my stuff from Jita to there using the Charon, and am currently collecting all the minerals I bought from all over Lonetrek- to start my massive manuf. operation.


Prien- my corp mate, was kind enough to exchange some cruise missile BPOs with me- new ones for fully researched ones- so expect a lot of cruise missiles appearing on the market :)


Edit: EUNI and wars!! I'm never going to join your corp!

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lol, ironically, Garde Is are drones - sentry drones to be precise. I understood they were one of the more popular types, but I personally just think kakakela is too empty to sell stuff quickly. When I used to sell em in Jita, they sold like hotcakes :P


As for the war... thats the trouble with such a big corp. There are plenty of pvp corps who just look through the alliance rankings, find one with lots of members, and wardec them, just so they have people to shoot at - and with 1100+ members, we're pretty high up on that list, sadly. It does interrupt business a bit, but then again, thats what our alt corp, RUSE, is for - members who dont want to fight. :)


Once this war is over, can I come mission with you for a bit? I need the standings to do level 3s :P


Though, until these damn drones are sold, I cant even afford to properly fit out a cruiser (by properly i mean T2), so I cant actually mission for a while :P

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