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Do characters just kinda stop working after awhile


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That depends on how many mods you have installed. Also whether you have added new mods with this character or ,more importantly, taken out mods during the play-through. If you start a new game and it runs silky-smooth for the first 10-20 hrs, then you have a decent chance of "finishing" the game with fewer problems. Very important to NOT change anything if you want it to stay error-free.

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As said above, changing mods during a playthrough is risky. You can try a save game cleaner and see, if this helps. I'd recommend this one: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031/? And yes, it works for classical Skyrim, although it's listed as a mod for Skyrim SE.


BTW, no refunds on woodelfs. Seems you didn't read the disclaimer. Besides that, your character was never on the list... :geek:

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Like mentioned already dont remove mods mid playthrough if you want to preserve your game for the long haul.


With a solid mod list and not changing anything mid playthrough its very possible to play for 200+ hours with same character.


Most modders just cant help themselves tho and have to add or change things or just get bored and wanna start over.

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