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Oblivion crash when loading saves


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Hi sorry im new to forums in general so i apologize in advance for any mistakes.I used to be a ps3 gamer but now have moved over to pc gaming due to my introduction to mods.Ok so now i have started playing oblivion and installed some mods ,the game wa playing fine now for some reason it crashed and now keeps crashing while loading my saves.i have Obse ,Boss ND WRYE BASH installed and as far as i can tell from wrye their isnt a problem with my mods,boss sorted the load order apparently so i have no idea where im going wrong.oh i played dues ex and skyrim before oblivion so its not my laptop.attached i hope is an image of my wrye bash setup and my boss ,cant seem to load my obmm pics.or my boss any help would be appreciated .thanx in advance.
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I've never heard of a problem like this....


try these:


1) Back up your mods and reinstall Oblivion. Transfer you're mods back, and see if that'll work (backup you're saves too!)


2) Don't run Oblivion through any of those programs. Run it normally through the normal launcher.


3) Deactivate every mod and run Oblivion. Might be something there affecting the save.



Btw, did you uninstall of deactivate any mods recently that you used with the save? If so, it might need that mod to run.

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Thanx for the reply ill try what u suggested ,it was actually about the 8th time i have installed reinstalled everything ,over and over,lol so it was a new game no saves.I used boss on the load order snd everything and im not sure if u can see in the pic but their is no red ticks lines or anythin in wrye bash .so i have no idea.i have the official patch the unofficial patch and everything even that mod that supposedly lessens crashes .thanx anyway.
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Hi ,no i got the latest official patch for oblivion and shivering isles.aswell as the unofficial for oblivion,The main issue is its my first forray into pc games and mods .so i reletively have no idea what im doing i just been following guides online ,i Have a feeling it might be the load order ,but im using wrye bash and boss and obss all installed correctly as far as the guides go,and they dont say their is problems ,even using Tes4edit.


isnt their a mod or program that will sort out your correct load order whatever mods u install.thanx

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BOSS is the tool to use for sorting your load order and then you use Wyre Bash to build a bashed patch. That is a patch of the things that conflict between mods (example two mods trying to change the same thing). Some conflicts can be resolved just with load order (whichever mod loads last in the load order is what the game will use) and others require a bashed patch (usually specified in the mod description).


When a game goes from working correctly to not working it is usually a result of something you've done. If you add a mod and then the game breaks it's kind of obvious, but other things such as installing a codec pak or updating video drivers can also play havoc.


Another thing that can lead to problems is using quicksave. Quicksave is known to cause save file corruption. Always use either save from the Esc menu or a named save from the console. It's also recommended to never overwrite your saves (i.e. save in a new slot each time). When you start to get a lot of saves you can either delete the old ones or move them out of your saves folder (a folder named OblivionBackupSaves is sufficient ... the game won't see that folder).


When you mention you've re-installed the game many times I wonder about whether or not you've done a good registry cleaning in between. Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure and see if you notice anything recommended there that you neglected to do.


When installing mods it's always best to only do one or two at a time (except where you are installing a group of related mods) and do a thorough test in between. That way when something goes wrong you'll have a really good idea where to start in your troubleshooting. It's a good idea to have an archived save from just before you exit the sewers (just before your final character generation choices) unless you don't mind redoing the whole tutorial each time you start a new character. I also like to have a save from just after exiting the sewers that can be used for mod testing. On your standard install you would still be testing with all your mods installed, but that early save wouldn't have any quest progress on any of the quests, giving you a 'modded vanilla' baseline. I use Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM to manage two different characters with two different mod lists. It would also be trivial to setup a clean vanilla setup for testing purposes.

Edited by Striker879
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wow cool thanx ill go over what u suggested check a few things out and see what happens ,i played the game over and over on the ps3 clocked in over 300hrs over a year time span.so i wanted a change hence the pc version because of the mods.so ill carry on playing around and try fugure out whats going wrong aswell as just trying a few mods at a time.it would be awsome to add most mods ,like making the game look better aswell as having the ones that add realism like lovers,tomago and hiyoko.aswell as hving a few extra weaps and armors but i guess for me not very possible lol.ill have to just experience each at different times.



thanx for all the help.appreciate it.

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