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REQ: followers share horse


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Anyone else think its kinda crappy of Bethesda to give us followers but not let them ride on their own horse? Its almost like playing the game with a mod that isn't finished.. Instead of making a mod that they have their own horse though, wouldn't it be easier to just have them hop on your horse and sit behind you? That way they can't get lost / stuck etc - Not sure why Bethesda didn't do that in the first place.
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I tried to get my companions to ride my horse by using the companion command option. You can get them to sit in chairs and stuff using it, so I thought that'd be an option. Evidently not. In any case, the option to buy more than one horse and get companions to ride them using the command function would be great.


It'd be even better if ranged weapons - spells and bows could be used from horseback too. Of course, that's an entirely separate mod altogether.

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I dont know what Bethesda think when they give us the command att the horse.


Clearly it didn't cross their minds. They simply designed the command system to always give an attack order when an actor (ie. NPC, monster, animal, etc.) is targeted. It's like they designed the entire command system in one sitting.

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