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I finally found a toilet to use in Skyrim.


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Heh, for extra detail they could've borrowed more from the Romans than just armors for the Empire. They could've implemented public toilets! Especially with the evocative sewer system of Whiterun, reminiscent of the Cloaca Maxima of old Roman days....


P.S.: In Latin, Cloaca Maxima literally means Greatest Sewer. Funnily enough, the words have partially survived the time and in Romanian they now mean Maximum Shithouse!

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I think i have found a better semblance of a toilet. It's deep inside one of the Ratway catacombs where it appears the people upstairs sit on a stall and crap though a grate directly into the room below, sadly there is a guy living in that room.


Was going to take a screenshot but i'm not that fascinated with human excrement.

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So... where do the fine folks of Solitude go when they need to... go? I guess they could just throw their excrement over the walls of the city...



How people actually went to the bathroom in western Europe in the middle ages^


Read your history please :|

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