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Ningheim and Nephilim not using their custom assets, suddenly! PLEASE HELP!


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I've been playing as a Ningheim. I replaced the default Ningheim body with a CBBE body i created in Bodyslide and I have not made any changes to the bodies of the Vanilla races, they use the vanilla bodies. It's been working perfectly fine until one day I take off her armor and she's using the vanilla body. I found that the reason for this is that The Ningheim race is not using its own custom assets from Data\meshes\actors\character\Ningheim\female\body or Data\textures\actors\character\Ningheim\female. Instead it is pulling out meshes and textures from Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets and Data\textures\actors\character\female and I don't know why. The same situation has happened with my Nephilim character. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing The Ningheim and Nephilim mods but nothing seems to work. There's no reason why this should be happening, I've been modding this game for years and I am very particular about how install and uninstall mods. I have about 170 mods and all are compatible with each other. please someone help with this, it is very frustrating. Thank you.

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The Ningheim Race Mod both Assets & Esp xEdit wise is unique, so it conflicts with nothing. Body shapes created with Bodyslide need to manually moved to Ningheim Body Mesh Folder. Textures replacers has well. So what have you done?


Also 95% of what you have written is impossible.


xEdit won't help this, & I can't see in your Data Folder. So when reinstalling...

  • MO: Check your overwrites & Reinstall pay attention to fomod options. Make sure there no Plus or Minus sign on it.
  • Wrye Bash: On Installer Tab: It should be Green if yellow, we have a Problem. Do a full install of Ningheim Race & pay attention to sub-packages.
  • NMM: When reinstalling just OVERWRITE EVERYTHING. Paid close attention to fomod options.


I don't know what else to say? Except in future don't tweak a mod if you have no idea what you are doing or aren't 100% sure. It just asking for trouble

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