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What's the story of your character?


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I have 4 characters in skyrim as of now, and i wanted to make sure they have detailed back story of their own respective origins.


Jarmenkel/Merrik-Red guard assassin. Grew up in a orphanage, abused by Grelod the Kind.. ran away from the orphanage, became a small time thief/sell sword. Joined thieves guild to make even more septims, left the guild because of their soft rule of not killing, he became blood thirsty.. joined the Dark Brotherhood.. Became the listener, after the destruction of the sanctuary, he killed the emperor and lay low for awhile. while traveling around skyrim, got caught by the imperials with Ulfric and was about to be executed til Alduin showed up. A stormcloak assassin.

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Here's a few of my chars:


Bura gra-Pula - Orc/F


Lost her real parents at an infant age, a nord couple discovered her in the snow and raised her as their own. Bura could never fit into nord society, being an orc and all. At an adult age she tried life in orc strongholds and was even able to trace where her parents came from, but she felt equally alienated amongst her own kind. Being a misfit for most of her life, Bura had to buy her friends. She dreamt not of great battles, honor or glory but of piles of gold, jewelry and fine clothes. As a businesswoman, making a name for oneself and being an orc at the same time can be a challenge in Skyrim, unsurprisingly Bura resorted to trading in contraband. She was arrested trying to smuggle unusually large quantities of skooma over the border.



Annarud - Nord/F


Annarud became a werewolf at an early age, an unfortunate event that cost her mother's life. Seeing what his daughter had become, Annarud's father took her to a remote cabin in the backwoods. Far from society, Annarud was taught the use of a hunting bow, the skills of skinning animals and finding medicinal herbs... Over time she gained better control of her transformations and her need to kill could be satisfied by traditional means; hunting with bow and arrow, which she became quite good at. Making longer and longer hunting trips, Annarud was eventually caught poaching and found herself in the same wagon with Ulfric Stormcloak.

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An orc hunting up North near Bruma, he accidentally got lost and wandered into a Stormcloak camp. In the midst of asking them for directions, the imperials attacked and lumped him in with the Stormcloaks. While initially having a good impression of the Stormcloaks, that all changed when he visited Windhelm. It wasn't freedom for Skyrim, it was freedom for Nords! He left to not only fulfill his destiny as Dragonborn, but also joined the Companions, becoming a werewolf, freeing Kodlak of his werewolf blood and killing off the Silver Hand. Eventually he joined the Imperial Legion, where he currently awaits orders...



She has no memory of what happened before she was caught with the stormcloaks. Her first impression was that they were freedom-fighters, but once again that changed once she visited Windhelm. She was pretty neutral to the Dunmer, but not even they, nor did the Argonians deserve that treatment! So once again, she left. Following the main quest, she rid the world of Alduin while simultaneously aiding the College with the Eye of Magnus. Now she studies dutifully under the Greybeards and under the Arcane.



Once a mercenary, he was brought to Skyrim under false pretenses, lumped in with the Stormcloaks. He was enraged that they would lump him in with his oppressors, and escaped with Ralof for the moment. He, like the Khajiit Caravan, agreed that this war is a great chance to profit... So he joined the Dark Brotherhood after killing that Grelod *censored*. He slayed his kinsman for Astrid, and joined, ascending through the ranks and eventually becoming Listener. The Thieves Guild needed his talents as well, inducting him into their ranks. He is now a Nightingale, having done away with Mercer, and guildmaster of the Thieves Guild.

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Amras Altmer - male


During great war he made dominion proud by slaughter he did during siege of Imperial city. After the W-G concordat his unit was disbanded and he was put to mad-house for veterans in Valenwood, because of nightmares which haunt him ever since. But one day when he fell asleep and he had a vision, in which he heard mighty deadra Sheogorat telling him to venture north to strange looking fort and look for Ancient who control mighty tool, SEGA GENESIS. And so Amras made it to Skyrim in hope of finding strange fort from his dream, but eventually he entered Imperial trap and woke up in the wagon full of nords

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Malfurion (sorry, just couldn't think of a name then) is a Bosmer, and like all Bosmer he was an excellent archer. However bad times has fallen on his lands in Valenwood near the the border of Cyrodiil because of the war, so when peace was made, he made his way to Skyrim, to a land which was relatively untouched physically by the war to try and start again. He really did not want to side with Thalmor, as he wasn't really a racial supremacist, and thought maybe Skyrim would be a good place to start.


Unluckily he was at the right place at the wrong time, being caught in the crossfire between the Stormcloaks and Imperials and was captured crossing the border. Luckily a dragon helped him escape with an Imperial soldier (I was too crazed at the time and did not notice the stormcloak guy). He made way to Whiterun to report to the Jarl, where he became a part of the Companions and for a time was a mercenary. Doing some work for the Jarl, he got sent to the Greybeards when he absorbed a Dragon Soul. Eventually, training with the Greybeards, he met one of the Blades who asked me to infiltrate the Thalmor embassy. He was like, WTF? Me? Going into the nest of those bigots? So he ran, he ran from what the woman was saying was his duty as the Dragonborn, to Riften. It was far from Whiterun hold where the Blades were, near the border with Morrowind, and news had it that in Riften the people weren't so racist as they were in the frozen North, and the other races were accepted well enough to be able to own establishments in the city itself.


Trying to find work, he found himself joining the Thieves Guild, and swash-buckled his way to infamy as the rumored second coming of the Grey Fox, and brought back the Thieves' Guild to its former glory. However, attaining the mantle of the Guild Master did little good to pacify him, and he eventually tried to visit Whiterun in secret, to see his friends among the Companions. There, Kodlak asked him a favor, to help him get rid of the curse the Glen Moril witches placed upon the Companions. Honoring his Harbinger, he accepted. However he could not have averted Kodlak's death, but even death could not keep him from helping his old friend and initial mentor in battle arts.


In his grief, he travelled to Windhelm, where he thought he might find the company of his fellow Mer aleviating in this point in life, since he hear many elves dwelt in the city now, and he wondered if there were any Bosmer there as well. However reaching there did not make his mood any better, seeing the terrible condition the Dunmer were in, and how the natives treated elves in particular; not that he could blame them, but he did not like them anyway. While in the city, he heard of the Aretino orphan. He figured that maybe he could bring the kid to the orphanage in Riften with him, but it ended up with him being kidnapped by Astrid of the Dark Brotherhood. Given the choice of to kill someone or be killed, he killed a defenseless person for the first time in his life. It was a new experience, and he eventually became one of the Brothers.


Dragons have become more of a threat however, as even more powerful dragons began roaming the land killing entire villages. Finally he decided, maybe he should accept his fate, and try to stop the Dragons. With a great twist of fate, he ended up killing Alduin the world eater and becoming a master of Dragons. His friend Paarthunax is off in the wild trying to convert other dragons to peace, while he, the Dragonborn of Fate, Agent of Nocturnal, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood and Harbinger of the Companions set off to put the land to peace by joining the legion.


Currently also training in Illusion and Alteration schools.




Merlin is a Breton, and since he was young he always wanted to become a wizard. So when he was old enough, he set off from Cyrodiil where he lived, to journey to the College of Winterhold. Mostly he and J'zargo had the same reasons, the colleges in Cyrodiil were too political. Caught in the crossfire of a dragon fight and the rebellion, he escaped Helgen with the other prisoners and eventually made his way to Whiterun to deliver the story of Helgen to the Jarl.


After doing some odd jobs for the Jarl and taking up bounties to save money, he traveled to Winterhold and enrolled in the College of Winterhold. He hears the Greybeards are searching for him, but for now he feels that whatever they want could wait.

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Topolino (named after a candy I liked when I was a child :P )


Bosmer - Male


He was following the family tradition as a hunter. In order to make more money Topolino started to travel far away from Valenwood to hunt exotic creatures and sell furs, meat, etc back home.

As a hunter he posses great skills in archery and stealth. He studied the basics of restorations spells to stay alive in the wild.

When he was crossing the Skyrim border was caught by imperials...


After the escape from Helgen he made gold as mercenary. He never used his "hunter skills" to hunt people, but after a while he started to enjoying it. That kind of jobs lead him to join the ranks of the dark brotherhood. As a cover for his "other life" he joined the companions. His skills were appreciated by both factions.


The rest... dragonborn, save the world, blah blah blah.

Edited by pastafrola
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Ainguard Lichwrath


Male Imperial.


Formerly a newly drafted member of the Imperial Legion he deserted his company upon nearing the boarder to Skyrim. Ditching his uniform and weapons he ventured into Skyrim to seek out his goal of mastering the art of Necromancy, unfortunately he was captured along with Ulfric and his Stormcloaks.

After the swift escape from Helgen and discovering that he was dragonborn he sought out the Ritual Stone, his goal ever since leaving the legion. However he felt that he owed Hadvar a great deal as he was saved by this imperial soldier. The greybeards spoke and taught him whilst he learnt more about the weakness of the empire and its deal with the thalmor.


As he adventured into Markarth he stumbled upon the mighty Deadric artifact, the mace of Molag Bal and with it he was able to capture souls with ease. This also lead to him meeting members of the afflicted and gaining the shield spellbreaker.


Not long after he encountered two dragons at once(seriously i have bad luck on legendary mode) luckily an imperial patrol was nearby and aided him. The three soldiers died but the dragons were slain, but only barely. This affirmed Ainguard's belief in the legion however he could still feel the weakness of the emperor. He decided to walk into riften where after a long spree with the thieves guild he became guildmaster.


Now he continues on his path but eversince a fateful encounter with Astrid he for now seeks out his own well being but still imagining his own path. Maybe after this he could join the college of winterhold to fulfill his goal of mastering the dead.

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