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I Need help, delete my \Data\Textures\Actors\basehumanfemale please send copy


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As KunoMochi said: The loose files are already modded files. The vanilla files are in ba2 archived files. If you delete the loose files, than you are playing vanilla. That's what you actually are playing with your female characters. Maybe you have different body meshes, that don't fit with the vanilla textures (cbbe or something), that causes an ugly look. Just get some fitting textures to your (maybe) modded body meshes.

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Hi wphebb,


Take a look at this folders:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Fallout 4\Data\textures\actors\character\BaseHumanFemale

C:\Program Files (x86)\Fallout 4\Data\meshes\Actors\Character\CharacterAssets


They are generated when you install CBBE or another body mod.


If you delete the folders and his files, all right! The game will load the original (Vanilla) files in "data\Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2".

And this files you can not delete... they are packed inside bethesda .ba2 file.
But if you delete just one of the folders the conflict happens! A big spot on the belly, tits in the middle of chest, or a twisted bra by the body!!!
The game are reading an original mesh and a moded texture, or in your case, an original texture and a modded body. (cause you delete just the texture I guess!)
So... find the file "FemaleBody.nif" inside the second folder (MESHES) and just delete or rename it. (If you don't have space troubles in your drive, rename is safetier!)
And be careful with delete! Another cool mods uses this folders too, like the Azar Ponytail Hairstyles or other that do changes in female body.
I hope I have helped (sorry the googled english!), and good luck!
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