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Any Word On The Creation Kit?


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Actually the CK may be a matter of life or death (for the game longevity at least). But I do agree there have been too much "despair" than should, yes frustration for most that want to start at once to learn how it works (to newbies with TES games) or to learn it's particularities (the veterans), so yes, frustration on the delays for everyone.


But beyond it has been much scream and kicking like most have seen some (many?) times a child to whom is negated the candy :)

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Actually the CK may be a matter of life or death (for the game longevity at least). But I do agree there have been too much "despair" than should, yes frustration for most that want to start at once to learn how it works (to newbies with TES games) or to learn it's particularities (the veterans), so yes, frustration on the delays for everyone.


But beyond it has been much scream and kicking like most have seen some (many?) times a child to whom is negated the candy :)


Im not even going to argue this anymore, as far as im concerned nothing we say here will even reach bethesda. I was looking on the official bethesda forums the other day and every post mentioning the CK was instantly locked, even those just asking for info.

The CK will be out when its out, all im saying is no one here is waiting forever (well those who blindly follow bethesda will still be here in 5 years if no CK comes out, saying dont worry its out next week! Yeah right......)

This topic will be locked soon anyway, just like the other 20 before it

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@ thelonewarrior

If you’re talking about here regarding topics being locked. It's because there is already one huge thread namely this one... There was one big thread before this one. It didn't get locked just simply nobody replied as people was done venting I guess. But regarding the 20+ topic recent lockdown if that occurred as I didn’t see it it’s justified... Cause if any questions can be asked here rather, than making a new topic which is very unnecessary...

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@ thelonewarrior

If you’re talking about here regarding topics being locked. It's because there is already one huge thread namely this one... There was one big thread before this one. It didn't get locked just simply nobody replied as people was done venting I guess. But regarding the 20+ topic recent lockdown if that occurred as I didn’t see it it’s justified... Cause if any questions can be asked here rather, than making a new topic which is very unnecessary...


He's refering to CK topics on the offical Bethesda forums.


Now, it is officially Feb 1st here, and despite my constant preaching for patience, i am myself growin irate. I don't mind ambiguity, and can accept statements like "Its comming" and "We're almost done" but when you give us a timetable, in this case the month of January, make sure you can meet it. Even then, i can live with delays and pushing back release dates, hell, i've been a Halo fan for years and Bungie was terrible for that. But really, at least say SOMETHING. Don't just pretend the deadline hasn't come and gone.

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This is the case for 3 of Bethesda's last 4 game releases, as far as I'm concerned.


Brink was a goddamn mess at launch, serious map balance issues and serious hardware-compatibility issues that should've been caught by the PUBLISHER's QA Team and fixed. Even though the problems are mostly fixed now, the game's dead because it was a frustrating piece of s*** at launch and nobody has months to kill waiting for a game that they weren't even that crazy about to begin with.

Rage had godawful textures and texture pop-in on PC, promised mod tools at launch which are still not out. The story was paced horribly and there was NO PROPER ENDING.

Now Skyrim has the same issues. Buggy as usual, no mod tools for months.


Might also be true of Hunted, but I honestly didn't play that.

Edited by Linsolv
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Brink: Did Not Get it, Whin it came out Most players saying it was CRAP!

Rage: Did Not Get it, Whin it came out Most players saying it was CRAP!

Hunted: Did Not Get it, Whin it came out Most players saying it was CRAP!


YEP Bethesda Been doing Good!!

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Brink is a lot of fun. I enjoyed and enjoy it. There were major problems at launch, and it was a niche design to begin with, so a good percentage of the limited number of players it was aimed at abandoned it because of the problems that didn't get fixed nearly soon enough.


Rage is a lot of fun, but the story is awful and the world is not open so you're going to experience that story whether you like it or not.


Hunted: Pretty much crap, from what I'm hearing, yeah.

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