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ESM and ESP file issues!


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Ok, here's my problem. I cant seem to properly use ESM and ESP files when I am trying to mod skyrim. For example, with the mod overlook tower or jaysus's swords, the ESM or ESP files that go straight into my data folder wont work. All mods that go into textures or meshes files work fine, but if the mod files just go into data, not any other files they dont work. Directions from jaysus's swords said "select the jaysuswords ESP and then play, I dont get what he means by select.


Thank you, I really apreciate the help.


P.S. Sorry about the spelling.

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I wander if your having same issue I'm having.


After you place textures and meshes (and esm/esp) into right spot)


Start up Skyrim.

AT main menu you click "Data Files" and click the esp's you want on.


(For me however, Data files wont highlight and can't click it)

(actually using search right now find answer...I assume since CS isn't out the option is blocked. )

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I am having the exact same problem you are, the data files wont high light. But, there is one other thing, on the start up menu, instead of play it says install, like I havent installed the game. When I first got the game then I was able to play it from the launcher main menu, but then all of a sudden it stopped working, but I could just use the normal skyrim application. So I dont know if that has anything to do with me not being able to use the data files. I will also look for some info on the no data file high light, I will send a message your way if I find anything out.
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First and foremost you should instal NMM (Nexus Mod Manager). It will facilitate installation and (mainly) uninstalling mods. Second it makes much more easier to activate/deactivate mods and to change the load order the esp files are loaded (this eventually will be a most needed feature as the mods will began to address the same objects and then the loading order becomes determining on what is actually active in game).


Know the /Data structure so you can be criterious when installing mods. The most important thing to understand is the game will look for Esp/Esm files directly inside it. All supporting folders go there too, like /meshes, /textures, /sound and so on. These folders must be seen as base folders and sometimes the files may go directly under them but more commonly they will reside inside subfolders there. When installing a mode be attentive for the instructions so to understand if you are supposed to copy the entire folders from the mods or to copy their contents into the /data structure.


Sometimes the mod brings an internal /data folder. This mean the mod is supposed to overlap the game's /data, that is an adding process, the original /data is not replaced but has the mod/s /data merged into it and then, the mod's /Data folder is to be copied to the game's root folder (the level where you can see the actual /data there and them accept the misleading message stating the folder is being replaced (it is not).


The most common fail in installing such mods results of installing the mods /data inside the actual game's /data ... if you see another /data inside the game's /data you know at some point you made that mistake, then you must MOVE that internal /data so it is merged with the correct one.


The inverse issue is installing a mod which have Esp, /meshes, /textures... in the packed file (mod) root and it is installed into the game's root folder instead under /Data.

The visual display of that mistake becomes clear if you can see those folders or Esp/Esm files directly under the game's root instead inside it's /Data folder.

Edited by nosisab
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