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So. What is your personal interpratation of the SOPA and PIPA acts?


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stop ACTA!!!!


btw i think Nexus needs an article on the front page about it... honestly, nexus will get wiped out with ACTA i fear, too many mods that could possibly under some weird view of people like those in the MPAA and the like be regarded as a host for copyright infringements,

be it abused EULAS like the lunatic one by bethesda claiming all mods to be their own (hence dark would kinda have to pay beth for hosting mods and making money of them... even if it all goes back into servers) or other stuff like lightsaber mods that infringe on george lucas shriveling mind...


or even better, forget acta and finally kick some arse, it simply cant be that some shady figures noone knows about make laws that affect all of us in such profound ways, wtf did we achieve in the last 2000 years if even the romans had more say, rights and understanding on how a dictator like ceasar ruled them than we do today with internet, "democracy" and all that stuff...

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But funny thing is we didnt see anything about it in news

I am not surprised. When the governments secretly negotiated this ACTA bullsh*t for 4 years...they surely don't want to bother with protestans. We need mass simultaneous protests on a global scale...then all the governments would take us seriously. ...at least i hope so. :ermm:


... :devil: someone has a Death Note?


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I am not surprised. When the governments secretly negotiated this ACTA bullsh*t for 4 years...they surely don't want to bother with protestans. We need mass simultaneous protests on a global scale...then all the governments would take us seriously. ...at least i hope so. :ermm:


Thats why they want to put youtube, Fc out of action, thank to them there was biggest protest against goverment since 1989 in Slovakia and there wasnt a single mention about it in mainstream media


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Thats why they want to put youtube, Fc out of action, thank to them there was biggest protest against goverment since 1989 in Slovakia and there wasnt a single mention about it in mainstream media

Hehe...tak Slovák,jo? :biggrin: Pozdrav z Čech, sousede... Strange really. I haven't noticed any news on this as well...either Czech media were silent too or i missed the news that day :psyduck: I see your politicians are giving you hell as well as ours. That calls for another defenestration... :devil:

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Hehe...tak Slovák,jo? :biggrin: Pozdrav z Čech, sousede... Strange really. I haven't noticed any news on this as well...either Czech media were silent too or i missed the news that day :psyduck: I see your politicians are giving you hell as well as ours. That calls for another defenestration... :devil:


Thx, greetings from Kosice, Slovakia, wish you good luck with your own protest against ACTA, You didnt missed news, they were none. According to newspapers there were about 800 people on that protest. I would like to know what they will write when there will be simultaneously 8 protest in all major cities in Slovakia, with thousands of people

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From what I have heard SOPA and many other things of this nature (if they are made law or whatever) effectively give the governments who created them the ability to shut down any site like you tube or Facebook WITHOUT due process, because a link was provided to a site suspected of having pirated music for download or whatever and someone reports it. so all it takes is a handful of angry people or victims of a ban etc. to bring down a forum or other site where people share information etc. that includes the Nexus sites unfortunately. All this because some record company or game studio (who make millions of dollars) is whining to Uncle Sam because millions of dollars is not enough money and some of their profits are being lost to piracy Blah Blah Blah. Who cares about the Big Shot Music industry or Movie industry, well other than the politicians that are laughing all the way to the bank.
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According to the text,gouvernments can, by referring to ACTA, shot down an account on YouTube or Face Book if that account is violating the law. The entire site will only be shut down if they do not cooperate at all, and keep on hosting pirates.

It differs not much from what we have had here in Denmark for years. We had no problems.

If ACTA means that I can go shopping in certain European countries for especially cellphones and cameras, without the risc of getting a phoney, and I can get rid of seeing free programs with the activation code on YouTube, I can only greet ACTA welcome.

And welcome it probably will be. It has allready been signed in Japan 01-26-2012. It will be ratified in EU parlement in Juli, while DK is still chairman. As mentioned we are pro, but that is not the point. The point is it does not ocupy that much space in EU. The crisis does. To get Greeces back on it´s feet does.

ACTA is just some paperwork needs to be done. So it´ll pass. And I think in the end we will all be content with that, except those who have a major industry on copy ware.

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It's not sure it will pass in EU. And i really hope it won't. Because that would mean all sites that provide translated manga and fansubbed animes would be pretty much f*cked. :ohdear:




Any true anime/manga fan can't let that happen. :wallbash:

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