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No more i cannot do "mass" actions


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I do not know why but no more i cannot do the actions like loot 35 gold (i need to click 35 times) i mean game counts every objects as a single. By the way i am using SkyTweak but i do not remember to i do something about it. How can i solve this problem?

Edited by VulcanTR
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Skytweak is potentially outdated, though I'm not sure. The mod author is gone to Xcom2 game modding. I'm not sure if that is your issue; it may be a load order problem. List out your load order so we can see and rule that out. Carefully read Skytweak's page and make sure you have all of his required files as well as no incompatibilities mentioned in his compatibility section.

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If by looting you are referring to transferring items from one container to another, then SkyUI has a setting which can affect when the slider appears in order to transfer more than one at a time. You may want to check with SkyUI's MCM settings to see if that value has been changed from the default of 6.


Should that not be the case, I have no idea.

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If you were using Special Edition I would think you might be using my Better Container Controls mod. With my mod you can either hold Alt while looting to grab all of an item without the prompt or change back to the game's default behavior with a configuration option. But if this is for the original Skyrim I have no idea who might have done the same thing.

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