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weapon mod ideas


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some quick weapon ideas for fallout 4:

while i know thre are copyright issues i dont necessarily mean making exact copies. weapons made in the spirit/image of these weapons would be awesome though



from NV-

nail gun

shoulder mounted machine gun


from duke nukem-

the enforcer gun

the ripper heavy machine gun


from mass effect-

the blackstar

geth sptifire

m100 grenade launcher

m76 revenant

m99 saber

n7 typhoon

n7 pirahna


other ideas-

heavy laser rifle/cannon using the assaultron beam attack (low(er) fire rate, high damage. maybe a (very)small charge time between shots?)


just thoughts. in my opinion there is a sever lack of heavy weapons/big guns in fallout 4. some of these could very well make up for that if anyone was so inclined. if i had any talent or time for that matter to learn how to make them i would but sadly i dont which is why offer up this list to someone with more time, talent and hopefully inclination.



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