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Supernatural Evil, Supernatural Good, and Fantasy Literature


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Strictly off topic as far as Skyrim is concerned. To get to the point: I read a lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Have done since I was a pup. Thing is,


I notice that about four out of five novels, particularly these days, have no problem with a plot line that focuses on the activities of evil supernaturals,


incursions from the Christian Hell, and so on. However, what's interesting about all this is that the authors rarely access the standard Christian


methods of combating those evil doers...you know, blessed Christian jewelry, holy water, ancient classic weaponry (frex, the lance St. George used


to slay the dragon), summoning supernatural emissaries from the Christian God (Angels), magic with good intent(aka "White Magic"), and so on and so forth.


I'm sure that I'm overlooking various authors and their works, however, having nice/conflicted vampires these days is politically correct so that may account for


some of the work, as do shifts in cultural attitudes toward other fantasy beings. Still and all, I do wonder a bit.



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Well, the vampires certainly have a stake (get it? Stake?) in misleading us "cattle" whenever they can. So naturally they'd try to foster all sorts of myths on us to get us overconfident.


And who's to say it couldn't be on-topic for Skyrim?


Harkon: "...we have to sleep in a coffin filled with our native soil every day to replenish our strength."

Esbern: (writing) "...Filled...with...native...soil..."

Harkon: "Oh, and we hate garlic. Totally. Guaranteed to drive us off."

Esbern: "...Hate...garlic... Oh, my! This is great information, Lord Harkon. Thank you so very much!"

Harkon: (smiling) "My pleasure..."


As for the classic methods of fighting vampires you mentioned above, bet somebody could make a mod for that...

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Well, the vampires certainly have a stake (get it? Stake?) in misleading us "cattle" whenever they can. So naturally they'd try to foster all sorts of myths on us to get us overconfident.


And who's to say it couldn't be on-topic for Skyrim?


Harkon: "...we have to sleep in a coffin filled with our native soil every day to replenish our strength."

Esbern: (writing) "...Filled...with...native...soil..."

Harkon: "Oh, and we hate garlic. Totally. Guaranteed to drive us off."

Esbern: "...Hate...garlic... Oh, my! This is great information, Lord Harkon. Thank you so very much!"

Harkon: (smiling) "My pleasure..."


As for the classic methods of fighting vampires you mentioned above, bet somebody could make a mod for that...


ROFL! Well, any mod is possible. After all, we got near nekkid women folk runnin' round in up armored pasties and being perfectly


well equipped to fight fire breathing dragons. Aaaand, they get out of the experience w'out so much as a tan line. That's why they


call this a fantasy game.

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