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SOPA/PIPA Talk...Mods?


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protecting copyright owners from having their materials sold/redistributed for profit by the pirates



Are you f****** high? Piracy is free, that is the point! Pirates do not profit from it, they just share content. What you mean is bootlegging, and that thing doesn't fly in these lands, you could just download it.


I know this site does not endorse piracy, but really, all allegations are blown out of proportion. It is not theft, they do not lose money, they just don't get any.

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It's not about "piracy".


There is no PIRATE, daggers in his hand, robbing ANYONE by force. It's about duplication. That far first.


Second : This bill SURELY harms non-Americans. Why ? Go and google how the internet is topological built.


Third : poor USA. Since the 90's there were attempts to force the patriot Acts 1 and 2 into law, shortly after some "terrorist" attacks, which already have been

cleared out as false-flags ( Oklahoma - Bomber and first WTC attack). Both times the CIA/FBI was in contact way before and while the attacks with the attackers.


Ok.. now you got the PA 1 and 2 together with "War on terror", which "allows" against all human rights, to be sentenced to jail on a near--cuba--jail.

By luck, and another terroristic attac, there is no need for presidantial elections for 6 month because of martial law.


Then the NDAA also came into law. So, there is no need to accuse anyone for anything anymore to sentence him into jail. but hey,

"Obama will never use this law...."


pardon ? a law, which will not be used ? bullocks...


And further all not only the physical "threat" has been fought. No...now there is a set-in of infrastructures for censoring, lying, denunciation and fear n the internet and neighbourhoods (look deeper into the ACTS...).


Please tell me...doesn't smell this extremely fishy for anyone ?


But ok, back to topic:


I think it's ok , and anyones right, to stand up and try to get his opinion clear and straight out.


*Thumbs up*

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\even if SOPA and PIPA are passed, wont there will always be things like the TOR project that can hide your location, thus making SOPA ineffective?


Not to mention the darknet, any site that gets knocked offline by sopa/pipa will be mirrored on the darknet, out of the governments control.

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Assumes we're not already aware the problem influences people beyond national borders. We are. Which is why posts like this are a bad idea. Why?


1.) As a Canadian I find it offensive you seem to think your politics should immediately be the center of my world and I'm a bad person for not caring that they're not. I'm less inclined to care if you're going to be demeaning and even less so if you're going to be arrogant and assume I absolutely must know what American policy makers are doing. If I don't care, it's not your right to get up in arms about it, you can't even say it's part of my responsibility as a citizen... I'm not a citizen. Deal with it.


2.) Shaming even when you have some minor ground to stand on is a terrible way to win support for your cause, something I already pointed out. It's human nature -- make a bad impression and it'll stick. If the choice is between, "Hey, moron, you should pay attention to this because it's so important and you're a bad person if you don't," and, "This cause is of significant import, please consider reading up on it and joining us in opposing this bad legislation," I'm going to support the latter by gut instinct and just not bother with the former. Don't think being well-spoken is an important part of gaining support? Get out of political matters.


3.) Both you and the OP fixate on modding. I don't give half of a lot of cuss words I'd get banned for using about modding. SOPA influences my ability to live, quite likely more than you. The three questions edited in and posed by the OP are ridiculous compared to the scale of what you're trying to tackle, and similarly your own post is a grain of sand in a sandstorm. This can hurt more than your hobby. This is a slippery slope law that could destroy lives that rely on e-commerce. If you're going to take a soap box and try to get the word out by any means necessary, do it from a platform that matters.


4.) OP is misinformed by news reports I've read. Megaupload was taken out by the FBI in a way completely unrelated to SOPA. I don't see Megaupload DNS blocked, do you? Then how is it related to SOPA? Provide counter-evidence that SOPA, a bill that hasn't passed, assisted an operation that likely took the FBI several months/years to conduct, and I'll sing a different tune about this final point. But right now this looks like an alarmist attitude trying desperately to find any point to support itself without considering the validity. Megaupload is a good example of why the US definitely does not need SOPA, it is not evidence that SOPA is already ruining the web. Maybe I misinterpret the OP.

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To put it bluntly, SOPA/PIPA will not stop the sharing of mods, it could, however, hinder it due to copyright infringement. E.G. "Blacking" out an entire site because one person posts a mod that contains copyrighted content.

Who has the ability to shut down sites? I wonder as we know the movie industry will use it to go after sites, however Google and youtube is safe as google could easy turn around and not only block the company from search but also do deep datamining to find potential copyright violations.

In short who can do shutdowns and how can it not turn into a free for all gunfight with automatic weapons in an elevator.

As I see the law it's ridiculous easy to order a shutdown, and any site of some size of content can be hit,

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To put it bluntly, SOPA/PIPA will not stop the sharing of mods, it could, however, hinder it due to copyright infringement. E.G. "Blacking" out an entire site because one person posts a mod that contains copyrighted content.

Who has the ability to shut down sites? I wonder as we know the movie industry will use it to go after sites, however Google and youtube is safe as google could easy turn around and not only block the company from search but also do deep datamining to find potential copyright violations.

In short who can do shutdowns and how can it not turn into a free for all gunfight with automatic weapons in an elevator.

As I see the law it's ridiculous easy to order a shutdown, and any site of some size of content can be hit,

I don't really understand what you were getting at but I'll try to answer your question to the best of my ability.


SOPA/PIPA actually has statutes written in that will protect certain companies, like microsoft, google, etc. The government [mostly federal authorities] under SOPA would be granted shutdown permissions for websites that have been found to disobey the copyright laws. If only ONE person were found to be infringing on the copyright law, the website could be shutdown, and the person who posted the copyrighted content and all who downloaded it could face criminal charges and / or fines.


For example, if someone on the nexus were to post a mod relating to another copyrighted game without granted permission from the owners of said game, the website would be shutdown while an investigation was under way, knowing the feds, this could take a few weeks to a few years.

In the end, the owner of the blacked out site loses money/profit/PR/in some cases could face legal repercussions, the person who posted the mod could face jail time and fines, and anyone who downloaded the mod could face jail time and or fines.


The people with the actual ABILITY to shutdown these sites are the ISP's that run the sites, and the hosting companies that connect the websites to the ISP's. The government goes to these people and tells them basically "I need the site at IP address shut down." If the ISP's/Hosting companies don't want to be slapped with charges, they will comply.


Basically, if SOPA/PIPA does go through, which it seemingly at this point will not, innocent people could face jail time and FELONY charges because of ignorance.


And for anyone who thinks this is not an international incident, there are WORLD-WIDE copyright laws in place, and the internet itself has no limits to any single country, though international peoples who do not support SOPA/PIPA can't really do anything to stop it, you are not safe from the repercussions it can cause. It's up to the agencies handling the case to decide if they want to pursue you in another country. Nothing, except perhaps diplomacy is stopping them, and to tell the truth, diplomacy has never truly halted American law enforcement agencies.

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To those of you with the attitude of "I'm not American, it won't affect me": you're wrong. Take Megaupload, for example...


"MegaUpload, one of the largest file-sharing sites on the Internet, has been shut down by federal prosecutors in Virginia. The site’s founder Kim Dotcom and three others were arrested by the police in New Zealand at the request of US authorities. MegaVideo, the streaming site belonging to same company, and a total of 18 domains connected to the Mega company were seized and datacenters in three countries raided."



I'm not really here to add to the argument about SOPA, just to say that the United States has more influence on things than people would like.

Edited by Kiitan
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