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Willing to take requests for armor and clothing modifications


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I have a request something I have been asking for a while. It would look like a chainmail bikini thing sort of. It would be a style in the way it fits that is totaly different than anything else I have seen displayed. I would be happy to provide you pictures of it. To add I make chainmail in real life and I made a design that I would like to have in elderscrolls. let me know if you are interested and I will show you the the pictures of it being worn. Then you could tell me if it is something you could do by modifing something else to create it.


I'm getting pretty good at Blender Wrangling, at least when it comes to modifying existing meshes, so I'm up for taking some requests.


A few notes:


I primarily work with HGEC E-cup and DMRA, I'll convert basically anything to those, but if you want something converted to something else, I can't make as many promises.


There is a general limit to how much you can stretch an existing mesh without it completely ceasing to work right at all. Frequently addiing more poly's will help, but that can only do so much. So if you see this AA-cup armor that you'd just love to have as DMRA, I can tell you its probably not gonna happen, and you'd be better off asking the original creator to make a larger breasted version.


I will only work with female armor/clothing. Period.


Whatever you request must be able to be released, as in the creator has given full permission for use by others or they can easily be gotten in touch with.


I make no promises for when I can get these done, and whether or not I will do them will depend on a case by case basis.


By and large HGEC Boots and Gauntlets work fine with DMRA, shoes are iffier, and frequently need adjustment, gloves are hit and miss depending on how they are set up. I'm mostly concerned with Cuirass and Greaves (or shirts and skirts/pants, whatever).


If you have a specific request (ie: make it a lot skimpier) I can try to accomodate that as well, normally converting to a larger cup size will result in more skin showing, but if you want a lot more skin, let me know.


To check out my work, here is myDMRA conversion of the HGEC Bloodrayne armor.


Also, I will BBB stuff, the restrictions here are significantly less, well, restrictive, since its a pretty straightforward procedure. I'd honestly recommend learning to do it yourself, its the main reason I started doing these things after all. But if you have something you must have BBB'd, let me know.


Also, before making a request, check and see if it hasn't been done already. I'm not too interested in duplicating existing work.

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