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Question about modding vanilla skyrim vs. special edition


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First off, I'm sorry, as this is something I should probably be able to figure out via google, but I'm finding it really hard to get some good answers.


My question is simple; I'm on PC, I recently got a gtx 1080, and I want to replay Skyrim sometime in the near future (last playthrough was about 3 years ago). Should I go for regular ol' skyrim or the special edition?


I realize there are 10x mods available for regular edition, but I'm not looking for suuper specific stuff, mostly just mods that improves graphics, gameplay, UI stuff etc., I don't really know yet, but generally I like mods that somewhat stays lore-friendly. Also nudity and stuff.


Is the special edition just irrelevant for pc-users anyway? How big of a deal is the 64-bit thing? Should I wait for the SKSE for special edition, or anything else? Will the pc special edition mod collection be superior/preferable, for whatever reasons, once it gets a chance to mature, and if so, will that happen in the near future?


I feel like everybody else knows something obvious that I'm just not getting, and need someone that has an overview of this situation to give me an update/advice/input, or link to decent relevant information.


Thanks for bearing with me thus far, this is probably gonna make me end up feeling stupid xD <3

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64 bit is a big deal. currently though we dont have script based mods (everything that needed SKSE essentially) in time it will be far better then Oldrim


hey man, thanks for answering! ok, so special edition is actually a significant thing for pc mods, and not just something (mostly) catering to console users. nice!


I guess I'll just hold on for a little longer then..

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