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Skyrim WTF Moments


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>Walking along to Winterhold, level 16, a quarter of the way through college quests.

>Turn up the path opposite of the nightgate inn, ganna cut through the pass.

>Hear death throes of a bandit horrendously dying.

>An ax tumbles down the hill by itself. I turn as I watch its fall, slightly bemused.

>Ready stoneflesh and a bound sword. Ganna kick some arse. With me, Jenassa?

>She remains unconcerned.

>Actually get a view up the hill.

>Two sabre cats, just chillin, using the bloody remains of an eviscerated possey of bandits as a cushion.

>I can feel them daring me to approach.

>Level 16 pure necromancer on master difficulty with Dynamic Injuries mod, and low first aid supplies.

"Shortcut? I never said anything about a shortcut. Let's just stick to the road."

>Jenassa communicates her opinion about my masculinity with a glib stare.

>Wordlessly agree. Continue journey.


Less WTF, more... Immersive. I felt like sharing.

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when I was sneaking down some ancient ruin (dont know which one anymore its been awhile) I was quietly strolling down a narrow hallway coming closer to a crossing when suddenly a draugr, hit by a fireball flew from right to left in a hollywood class stuntperformance. It was as sudden as quick and afterwards it was quiet again...even more quiet then before. Hard to describe the atmospherical impact that had on me but it was great.


Another time when i was just exploring the wilderness of Skyrim I decided to p*** off a giant out of boredom. The Giant of course attacked me and I was pretty weak for direct confrontation so I ran around in circles, while lydia (who was accompanying me at that time) decided to rush in as usual but this time however they did not engage in bloody battle but in a even more "gruesome" staring contest. They were standing right next to each other and tried to, what I can only assume, stare the other one into submission. It was of course a very funny picture, Lydia standing there like tourist visiting New York for the first time and the Giant seemed as if he had a WTF moment himself. I did not intervene out of curiosity if the game will continue without me interacting and it did. After 10 minutes or so the Giant made a little Step backwards which triggered Lydias Natural Killer Insticts and she hacked the poor guy to pieces.

Edited by Arcadiast
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mine was when i was in Riften and i had just gotten the telekinesis spell. i dropped a cheese wedge, equipped the spell, and was ready to test it. so i use it and bring the cheese all the way to me, and i let my magicka run out while still holding it to see what happens. after i'm out of magicka it flings the cheese wedge into the side of the Bee and Bard. i'm going to pick it up when all the citizens start crowding around it. they're all arguing over it saying stuff like "it's mine." next thing i know they're drawing out daggers and they're fight each other over it... over a single cheese wedge. it was so hilarious i was i had it recorded!
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I've had two truely WTF moments so far...


The first was a couple months ago, I'd just entered Riften and had made my way to the woman's stall who sells armor and weapons in the little marketplace...just as I got there a dead dragon fell out of the sky and scared the crap out of me. I have no idea where he came from but for a week or so he would just randomly fall out of the sky and flop around dead in the Rift and every time it would really scare me. It was obviously a dragon I had killed at some point because his inventory was always empty.


A few days ago on the road that goes over the mountains from Riverwood to Riften I'd almost gotten to the interestion or Ivarstead when...a horse plumeted from the sky landing on rocks killing it. There wasn't a dragon in sight...it was just raining a random horse.

Edited by Jennifur68
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Erik and I had just cleared out some bandits down the hill from Rorikstead on the road to Dragonbridge when we were attacked by an Air Assault giant.


We were just walking along, admiring all our lovely new loot when a blood dragon swoops down and drops a god damn giant on Erik. Apparently that hadn't been the plan, as the enraged giant then killed the dragon before smushing me into the ground with his club.


It was all very bizarre.

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The guards say "Watch the skies, traveler." They're not kidding, eh?


I was heading for the Rift when I noticed a couple shadows moving on the ground. I assumed it was birds and paid no heed until two Thalmor dropped dead right in front of me.


Another thing I don't see everyday happened on the road south of Dragon Bridge when I was attacked by an invisible Khajit. The little red dot on the HUD was my only clue on where he was. Eventually I managed to beat him but it took a while.

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My first was a mammoth falling from the sky while I was on the road to Riften for the first time, free mammoth tusk! :pirate:

My second was more funny than wtf..I shot a random arrow into a bandit compound over the wall (just because) and shot some alchemist in the ass and killed him on the spot. It left him dead bent over the alchemy table, with all these bandits running around making their "WTF?!?" comments. o_O


Also, I've made a few Skyrim restarts and yesterday, for the very first time, I saw Lydia beat the snot out of someone with her steel shield, she just B*tch smacked some poor fool to death with it, lol. :wub:

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I was disappointed. I pickpocketed Niranye by accident, then later I'm way down south and some thugs gang up on me. I find a contract on one of them that came from her. I visit her and she treats me like a new customer, even going as far as selling her own contract to her and she just thanks me...


But then you can throw goodies on the ground that'll make people go bananas.

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I was just in Angerthamz (I think) doing the start of the aetherium shard quest; a dwemer centurion master pops out of the wall, and charged right off a cliff into the abyss. I'm wondering if I was just one adventurer too many for the poor thing.
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